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Little Wings Series

Cecilia Galante and Kristi Valiant
Little Wings #1: Willa Bean's Cloud Dreams by Cecilia Galante; illustrated by Kristi Valiant
Little Wings #4: The One and Only Willa Bean by Cecilia Galante; illustrated by Kristi Valiant
Little Wings #5: Willa Bean to the Rescue! by Cecilia Galante; illustrated by Kristi Valiant

Little Wings Series : Titles in Order

Book 5
Cecilia Galante’s sweet series about a lovable curly-haired cupid swoops down to London in book #5.

Willa Bean is having a moody Moonday. School is closed, Harpers’s not around, and Mama can’t do anything now—only later. Then Daddy whispers to her—she can go down to Earth with him! Earth! Wolla-wolla-wing-wang! Willa Bean has never been there before! She just has to promise to be good. And her arrows are only for pretending. No problem, Willa Bean thinks. But then she spots a bully picking on a poor little orange-haired boy. Watch out, Earth! It’s Willa Bean to the rescue!
Book 4
Cecilia Galante’s sweet series about a lovable curly-haired cupid soars on in book #4.

Every cupid has a one-of-a-kind flying friend, right? Wrong! Willa Bean has Snooze, an owl, but the new girl in school, Lucy, has an owl, too! And Lucy’s owl is bigger, and maybe even smarter, than Snooze. What if Mr. Wingston overshadows Snooze at Noble Nimbus Day? Nope, nope, nope-ity nope. Willa Bean has to make sure Snooze is the best owl at Cupid Academy!
Book 3
Cecilia Galante’s sweet series about a lovable curly-haired cupid soars on in book #3.

A cloud trip, Willa Bean’s class is going on a cloud trip! It’s not just any cloud trip either. They’re going to Cloud Nine!

Willa Bean needs to get ready, but things are all crazy-daisy around her house. Her baby brother Louie’s favorite toy, a red rubber star-bubble ball, is missing. He’s crying. He’s wailing. His eyes are all red and puffy.

All Willa Bean has to do is forget Baby Louie for a day. But she can’t, no matter how hard she tries. Baby Louie’s star-bubble trouble is turning into a big black cloud over her cloud trip!
Book 2
Cecilia Galante, the author of The Patron Saint of Butterflies, makes her Stepping Stones debut with a sweet series about a lovable curly-haired cupid.

Willa Bean is all wiggly with excitement. Her best friend Harper is coming for a sleepover! Willa Bean wants to make Snoogy Bars and play tricks on her big sister. But Harper has a different idea. She wants to go for a night flight. Willa Bean is not okay with that. Why? Willa Bean is scared of two things . . . flying up high . . . and the dark!
Book 1
Cecilia Galante, the author of The Patron Saint of Butterflies, makes her Stepping Stones debut with a sweet series about a lovable curly-haired cupid.

Most cupids have soft straight hair, rosy cheeks, and silky white wings. Not Willa Bean! She has a crazy mess of hair, a million-bajillion freckles, and bright purple wings with silver tips. And lately those bright purple wings with silver tips have been giving Willa Bean an awful lot of problems. They won’t fly! Cupid Academy is starting soon, and what if she’s the only cloudbound cupid there? Nope, nope, nopeity, nope. Willa Bean just has to make her wings behave!

About Cecilia Galante

CECILIA GALANTE is the author of several young adult and middle grade books, including The Patron Saint of Butterflies, an Oprah's Book Club Teen Reading Selection, a Book Sense Pick, and a Bank Street Best Children's Book of the Year. She teaches More about Cecilia Galante

About Kristi Valiant

Image of Kristi Valiant Photo: © Casey Valiant
KRISTI VALIANT is the illustrator of Pretty Minnie in ParisPretty Minnie in Hollywood, the Little Wings chapter book series, and Penguin Cha-Cha, which she wrote and illustrated. She graduated magna cum More about Kristi Valiant

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