¡Una nueva aventura de Olivia, la protagonista de una serie de cĂłmics repleta de aventuras, misterio, acciĂłn, personajes divertidos, un toque de magia, ecologĂa y mucho humor!
¡Olivia y Peluso vuelven a la carga! Tras ganar la batalla contra el Genio Sinvergüenza, Olivia está deseando relajarse un poco en la montaña…
Pero resulta que el tiempo se acelera misteriosamente, aparece un zorro furioso con los Caballeros Castaña y el padre de Olivia se aburre como una ostra.
El otoño pinta movidito, y las otras estaciones han desaparecido…
A new adventure for Olivia, the protagonist of a comic series full of adventure, mystery, action, charming characters, a touch of magic, ecology, and lots of humor!
Olivia and Peluso return to the charge! After winning the battle against the Scoundrel Genius, Olivia is looking forward to relaxing a bit on the mountain…
But it turns out that time mysteriously speeds up, a furious fox appears with the Chestnut Knights and Olivia’s father is bored to tears.
You know what’s the worst? On top of that, it seems that the impending destruction of the valley is Olivia’s fault!
Autumn looks choppy, and the other seasons have disappeared…
¡Descubre a Olivia, la protagonista de una serie de cĂłmics repleta de aventuras, misterio, acciĂłn, personajes divertidos, un toque de magia, ecologĂa y mucho humor!
Con lo tranquila que estaba Olivia en la ciudad, y a sus padres les ha dado por mudarse a un pueblo en la montaña, en mitad de la nada. Y todo porque su madre tiene que salvar a la región de una devastadora invasión de pájaros gigantes.
… Salvo una misteriosa pastora y sus lanosos perros lanosos, un par de monstruos y un genio sivergüenza.
¡Parece que al final Olivia no tendrá tiempo de aburrirse!
A fun, action-packed fantasy adventure about a girl, her dog, and magic gone wrong!
Quiet . . . birds . . . nature. . . .
That’s what Aster expects when her parents move their whole family to the middle of nowhere. It’s just her (status: super-bored), her mom and dad (status: busy with science), her brother (status: has other plans), and . . .
. . . magic?
In her new home, Aster meets a mysterious old woman with a herd of dogs who gives her a canine companion of her own. But when she and her dog Buzz are adventuring in the forest, they run into a trickster spirit who gives Aster three wishes. After wishing for the ability to understand and talk to her dog, she becomes only able to talk in dog language . . . and the trouble she gets into is just starting.
Maybe the middle of nowhere will be more interesting than Aster thought.
Excerpted from by .
. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
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