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Saddle Club Series

Bonnie Bryant
Horse Wise by Bonnie Bryant
Beach Ride by Bonnie Bryant
Autumn Trail by Bonnie Bryant

Saddle Club Series : Titles in Order

Book 101
It’s almost Christmas, and The Saddle Club is busily preparing for an exciting show. But part of their preparation involves raising money — a lot of it! When Lisa realizes that Carole and Stevie are having a hard time coming up with the cash, she takes matters into her own hands. But at the same time, Carole and Stevie are secretly plotting to help each other. Will The Saddle Club be able to fix their fund fiasco in time for the show?

Meanwhile, a winter storm is brewing that may give the girls even more trouble. When things get rough, The Saddle Club must pull together more than ever, and prove that the strength of friendship can get them through even the toughest times.
Book 100
Something’s wrong at home and Lisa feels powerless every time her parents get angry at her or at each other. When CARL, the County Animal Rescue League, puts out an SOS for volunteers, Lisa knows she’s found a place where she’ll be appreciated. Before long, a stray horse named P.J. steals her heart. But just as things seem to be getting better, Lisa’s parents deliver some news that will change her life forever.

Stunned and upset, Lisa pulls away from everyone—even her friends—and devotes herself to caring for P.J. Stevie and Carole know that The Saddle Club can pull through anything, as long as they’re together. But how can they help Lisa if she keeps shying away? When a fiery and famous show jumping team arrives at Pine Hollow and begins stirring up trouble, Carole and Stevie have to convince Lisa that they need her help—fast.
Book 99
Lisa’s on the trail ride of her life!

Lisa Atwood and Carole Hanson are going to the Bar None Ranch to see their friend Kate. Of course, the Bar None means horses, but this year there’s also a cool archaeological dig going on nearby, and the girls are frequent visitors to the site. They’re having a perfect trip–and what better way to enjoy it than with a bareback midnight trail ride to watch a meteor shower?

On the trail ride, Carole falls seriously ill, and Lisa has to leave her to get help. But there are other people out in the desert that night, and they don’t want Lisa to go anywhere. Now Lisa must ride for her life–and Carole’s.
Book 98
Stevie Lake’s a mom–to eight fuzzy goslings!

Stevie Lake entered a contest to win a down comforter. Instead she got a new “family”–a nestful of goose eggs. But when the eggs hatch, it’s love at first sight for Stevie and the goslings. Now Stevie’s learning that being a mom is hard work: the goslings want to go everywhere Stevie goes, even to Pine Hollow. Stevie has to keep her “kids” safe while trying to learn a new skill–vaulting.

The Saddle Club is determined to master vaulting and show Veronica diAngelo that success takes more than fancy coaches. Can they pull this off? Or is The Saddle Club plus eight goslings and one vaulting horse a recipe for disaster?
Book 97
Stevie’s on the loose in New York City!

Stevie Lake thinks she knows everything there is to know about getting along in New York City — until she meets Regina Evans. Regina is the daughter of a New York friend of Stevie’s mom. When Stevie and her mother visit the city, Mrs. Lake and Mrs. Evans catch up on old times — while Regina introduces Stevie to her friends and their favorite hangouts.

It’s a lot of fun until an accident leaves Regina and Stevie in real danger. But just when things look worst, Stevie gets a chance to prove that a horse can always save the day — even in New York City
Book 96
A new rider is stealing Carole’s spotlight.

Zachary Simpson has only just started riding at Pine Hollow, but everyone is totally impressed by his natural talent. Everyone except Carole Hanson, that is. She’s glad that he seems to love riding, but she’s a little uncomfortable at how much attention he’s getting from everyone else in Pony Club. Is Carole just jealous? And is Zach a mere flash in the pan, or is he the real thing? The upcoming Pony Club competition should give Zach a chance to show everyone what he’s capable of and answer those questions.

But Zach falls apart, and the show is a disaster. Then he announces that he’s going to quit riding. Suddenly it’s up to Carole to remind Zach of all the things that make riding and horses so special. Can she convince him to get back in the saddle?
Book 95
It’s time for a new project at Horse Wise.  Everyone is being paired with a younger rider to learn all about competing in a horse show–everyone except Carole Hanson, that is. Carole’s going to be the judge, and Veronica diAngelo doesn’t think that’s right. How can Carole be impartial when her best friends, Lisa Atwood and Stevie Lake, are competing? Carole’s furious. She knows she can be fair.

But maybe Veronica is right. Carole isn’t judging Lisa and Stevie the same way she’s judging everyone else–she’s being a lot harder on them. Now everyone is mad at everyone else. So mad, in fact, that no one notices that Veronica’s partner may be riding into trouble. This isn’t what they were supposed to be learning, is it?
Book 94
When Carole Hanson learns that the newly elected president of a Middle Eastern country will be visiting Washington with his horse-crazy daughter, it seems only natural to write the girl a letter inviting her to come for a ride at Pine Hollow. Carole thinks she might get a reply with an interesting stamp on it. Instead of a stamp, however, Carole gets men with dark suits and sunglasses who walk around Pine Hollow talking into their lapels, looking for spies in the hayloft, and asking for security clearance for horses. Isn’t this a little extreme? Especially since the four girls only wanted to go on a trail ride!

But when a real spy turns up at Pine Hollow, The Saddle Club rides to the rescue to protect national horse safety!
Book 93
Love takes a holiday . . .

Lisa Atwood and her family are on
vacation, but it isn’t all fun in the sun. Something’s wrong between her parents. She thinks it’s serious, and she’s worried. Then a handsome guy sweeps Lisa off her feet and all of her problems seem to melt away. But can she keep the romance alive after she returns home? She just has to!
Stevie Lake is having romantic difficulties
of her own. She and Carole Hanson were counting on Stevie’s boyfriend, Phil, to help them at the stable, but he bailed out to go skiing! Now Stevie’s furious and won’t speak to him. Can their relationship be saved? Or is The Saddle Club doomed to be unlucky in love?
Book 92
Money isn’t everything . . .

Pine Hollow Stables has a new resident, and while The Saddle Club loves all horses, they aren’t impressed by this one. Honey-Pie is a sweet old mare, but there’s nothing special about her–or is there? It turns out that Honey-Pie is a million-dollar horse! She inherited her million from her owner, Emma Fredericks. Mrs. Fredericks also left a million dollars to her nephew, Paul, but his money is all gone. Now Paul wants Honey-Pie’s inheritance, and he’ll do anything to get it. It’s up to The Saddle Club to save Honey-Pie and unmask Paul as the horse-hating rat that he is.
Book 91
Carole Hanson, Stevie Lake, Lisa Atwood, and Veronica diAngelo are headed to California for a Pony Club rally. On top of that, their good friend, movie star Skye Ransom, needs their help or his career may be over. The Saddle Club is thrilled to spend time on the movie set– so is Veronica, who’s convinced that it’s only a matter of time before she ends up costarring with Skye. But it’s not all lights, camera, action!–they still have to compete in the rally, and that just got harder: Their horses have gone missing! Will The Saddle Club ever see their beloved horses again? Can they help save Skye’s career? This exciting trip to sunny California may be a little too exciting, even for The Saddle Club!
Book 90
The Saddle Club is gearing up to learn all about driving—not cars, horses. Carole Hanson and Lisa Atwood have to do a report on the use of driving teams throughout history. The only problem is that they have too much information! Somehow, they have to rein in their enthusiasm or their 10-minute talk could take a lifetime.      

Meanwhile, Stevie Lake is facing her worst nightmare. Her riding instructor wants Stevie to work with Veronica diAngelo on a special driving team project: teaching their horses to work as a team. It’s a great idea, but how are the horses going to work together if their owners can’t? It’s going to take more than teamwork to get through this project—it’s going to take a miracle!
Book 89
Carole Hanson and her father are going camping, leaving her horse, Starlight, in her friends’ care. But Stevie and Lisa get so busy with Starlight that they neglect their own less fortunate horses. And Carole and her father end up competing on their trip instead of having fun.
Book 88
There’s a new rider at Pine Hollow Stables. Her name is Tiffani, with an “i.” Carole Hanson and Lisa Atwood think she’s a good rider, but Stevie Lake can’t get over her riding gear—pink and covered in lace and frills. Suddenly Stevie’s in competition with Tiffani, determined to win at all costs—even if it means learning to jump fences while riding sidesaddle. Stevie’s friends are convinced that she has lost her mind. But Stevie’s determined to “out-girl” everyone. She’s even bought a fluffy, pink sweater.
Book 87
The Saddle Club is going to the horse show. So is Veronica diAngelo, and she is already deciding where to display her next blue ribbon. But she may be in for a shock. The Saddle Club has a secret weapon: Samson, the natural born jumper. He and Lisa Atwood could steal the show.

As Lisa competes, she realizes that Samson is even better than they thought—and a lot better than she is. And the other riders are mean-spirited and seem to think that winning means destroying the competition, not just doing your best. Do Lisa and Samson have the right stuff to take the blue? Or will they have to settle for less than their best.

Saddle Club Series: Related Titles

About Bonnie Bryant

Bonnie Bryant is the author of nearly a hundred books about horses, including the Saddle Club series, Saddle Club Super Editions, and the Pony Tails series. She began writing the Saddle Club books in 1986. She had done some riding before More about Bonnie Bryant