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Preacher/First Mountain Man Series

Found in Western Fiction
Preacher's Strike by William W. Johnstone,J.A. Johnstone
Available on (12-24-24)

Preacher’s Strike

Book 31
Paperback $8.99

Preacher/First Mountain Man Series : Titles in Order

Book 31
Legendary  bestselling Western authors William W. Johnstone and J.A. Johnstone return with the blazing new installment in their long-running series featuring Preacher, the First Mountain Man, a pioneering hero who embodies the Johnstone brand – and the American Frontier.

Preacher leads a search party for a missing woman—and finds himself caught in the crossfire of cutthroat kidnappers, savage Sioux warriors, and one cunning captive . . .


Preacher is heading home to the mountains when he’s approached by a wealthy European with an unusual proposition. He wants the legendary mountain man to track down his missing cousin—a reckless young woman who fled to America with her lover—and he’s willing to pay a small fortune to find her. Preacher isn’t one to get mixed up in the affairs of fancy foreigners, but he reluctantly agrees. The search is on. Striking westward from St. Louis, Preacher quickly begins to suspect that this search party is doomed. And this trail will lead to some very dead ends . . .

First off, they discover that the missing woman’s American lover was killed by Teton Sioux years ago. Secondly, the murderous Knox gang heard about the rich European’s fortune and plan to kidnap him for a ransom. Thirdly, a fierce band of Sioux warriors launch an attack on Preacher and his men. Things are looking pretty grim. But the biggest shock of all comes when Preacher finally meets the missing woman herself—and sees what she did to survive . . .
Book 30
When innocent people are threatened, Preacher punishes the guilty, dispensing his own brand of justice—one bullet at a time—as legendary authors William W. Johnstone and J.A. Johnstone return with their latest installment in the long-running First Mountain Man series.

In a North American British province, a group of Norweigan settlers have carved a life for themselves in a lakeshore village called Skarkavik. Hunters and fishermen, they raise their families in peace under the natural cover of the surrounding forest.

Decker Galloway believes the land’s natural resources are being wasted on the few when so many have a greater need. Having made his fortune logging the wilderness of the eastern provinces, he wants to turn his axes and saws loose on the untouched western region. And no villagers are going to stand in his way.

But then there’s Preacher. He doesn’t mind standing in Galloway’s way.

Together, Preacher and his friend, the warrior Tall Dog, will remind the Norwegians of their Viking ancestry and declare war on Galloway’s gang of murderous gunslingers—with Preacher leading the charge.v

Book 29
Legendary national bestselling Western authors William W. Johnstone and J.A. Johnstone return with the blazing new installment in their long-running series featuring Preacher, the First Mountain Man, a pioneering hero who embodies the Johnstone brand – and the American Frontier.

When greed overtakes men’s souls, it falls to the righteous mountaineer known as Preacher to rain fire and brimstone upon them from the barrels of his guns . . .

Preacher has agreed to escort Barnaby Cooper through Dakota Territory’s hills to establish a trading post. Accompanied by his friends Lorenzo and Tall Dog, the mountain man hopes they’ll be able to protect Cooper from Sioux warriors who don’t want any white man trespassing on their sacred grounds.
But the Sioux aren’t the only hostiles staking their claim in the region. Englishman Albion Shaw knows there’s gold in the hills. And with a band of cutthroat killers to do his bidding, Shaw has enough manpower and firepower to keep both trappers and tribes from settling on the land where he can build an empire.
But Shaw didn’t reckon on crossing a man like Preacher. A man who not only knows what it takes to survive in the wilderness, but a man who will fight for freedom and justice to his very last breath—and his very last bullet . . .
Book 28
Legendary national bestselling Western authors William W. Johnstone and J.A. Johnstone return with the blazing new installment in their long-running series featuring Preacher, the First Mountain Man, a pioneering hero who embodies the Johnstone brand – and the American Frontier.

A village is destroyed. A vengeance is born. And one man blazes a trail to hell and back to pay the devils their due—in bullets and blood. They call him Preacher…


It starts as a happy reunion between Preacher and his fellow trappers in a peaceful Indian village. But it ends swiftly in death and destruction when a rival tribe attacks the village, slaughters some of Preacher’s Crow and mountain man friends, and carries off the women and children as prisoners. Preacher was off hunting when it happened. Now he’s teaming up with old friend Lorenzo and half-breed Tall Dog, to get the prisoners back—and get revenge. But the road to justice is paved with some very dark omens. And the trail leads to the baddest place on God’s good earth: the bubbling quicksand pits, hot springs, and geysers of the Wyoming wild country known as Colter’s Hell . . .
Here—where earthquakes shake the land and no man is safe—Preacher and his friends must wage a three-man war against one of the fiercest tribes this side of the devil’s inferno. And once the shooting starts, it’s going to get a hell of a lot hotter…
Oh, and there’s also a question of 100 missing rifles . . .
Book 27
In the bloody aftermath of a wagon ambush, a suspect flees, a woman disappears, and a mountain man searches for truth, justice, and revenge. They call him Preacher…


Preacher is no hired killer. When a wagon train is brutally ambushed on the Sante Fe Trail though, he can’t say no to the St. Louis businessman willing to pay him for justice. It’s not the stolen gold that’s convinced Preacher to take the job And it’s not the missing body of one of the wagon train’s crew, a prime suspect who may have plotted the ambush and taken off with the gold. No, it’s the suspect’s lovely fiance, Alita Montez. She believes her boyfriend is innocent–and has run off to find him. Preacher can’t abide the idea of a young woman alone on the Sante Fe Trail. If the Comanche don’t get her, the coyotes will. And Preacher can’t have that.

But to save the girl and get the gold, the legendary mountain man will have to forge a path that’s as twisted as a nest of rattlers, face off with trigger-happy kidnappers, backstabbers, and bounty-hunters–and match wits with Styles Mallory, the biggest baddest frontiersman of them all . . .
Live Free. Read Hard.
Book 25
For the greatest trapper in the country, there’s no place like the Rocky Mountains. Preacher and his son Hawk are riding the High Lonesome when the clear mountain air is split by a girl’s savage screams. A gang of ruthless trappers has kidnapped a Crow woman, but before they escape with her, Preacher and Hawk burst out of the tree line, guns spitting fire. They drive the trappers off, only to find that she’s not Crow, but white. Caroline has been raised by the Crow since childhood, the only people she’s ever known. To get her home, Preacher and Hawk will have to blast their way off this mountain, gunning down kill-crazy trappers and merciless Blackfeet warriors. Because it’s never really quiet on the western front.
The First Mountain Man
Book 23

For the sake of the son he never knew, Preacher goes on the warpath.

Long ago, the legendary trapper known as Preacher took shelter with the Absaroka, and fell in love with a girl called Bird in the Tree. Twenty years later, he rescues a woman and her son from an ambush by the hated Blackfoot. The woman is Birdie, and the valiant young warrior is Hawk That Soars—Preacher’s son. Now the greatest fighter on the frontier is about to go to war, to protect a family he never knew he had.

Led by the vicious war chief Tall Bull, the Blackfoot are trying to wipe out the Absaroka. Hopelessly outnumbered by vicious warriors, Preacher and his son launch a war that will stain the Rocky Mountain snow with Blackfoot blood.

Also Available in Audiobook
Book 10
He fought for his freedom

In a land of towering mountains and howling winds, a man has found a home—away from other men and away from memories of the past. A trapper by trade, a fighter at heart, he has earned the name Preacher, and a legend of his own.

He fought for his life

In the wilds, Preacher has learned the rules of survival, and he has killed in order to live. But now something is forcing him out of his Rocky Mountain range for the so-called civilized world. It is the memory of a woman. It is her blood calling out for revenge.

Now he’ll fight for the truth

In St. Louis, a girl from Preacher’s past has been murdered. For the man whose heart she once touched, the time has come to leave the high wild country—for truth, justice. and a new reason to kill.

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