Living with Metabolic Syndrome
By Naheed Ali
By Naheed Ali
By Naheed Ali
By Naheed Ali
Part of Living with
Part of Living with
Oct 27, 2015 | ISBN 9781578265909
May 24, 2016 | ISBN 9781578265916
Oct 27, 2015 | ISBN 9781578265909
May 24, 2016 | ISBN 9781578265916
“Dr. Ali’s book Living with Metabolic Syndrome serves as a great reference for readers looking for meticulously researched insights on metabolic syndrome. This is rare and unique literature that covers virtually all the microcosms and specifics of the syndrome in such as succinct manner. I enjoyed reading it and highly recommend it to medical highbrows as well as general knowledge seekers.” – Moshe Lewis, MD, MBA, MPH, Department of Physical Medicine & Rehab, California Pacific Medical Center
Table Of Contents
Metabolic Syndrome Post-Diagnosis Checklist
Part I: Groundwork
1: Real Meaning of Metabolic Syndrome
2: History of Metabolic Syndrome
3: Anatomy of Metabolic Syndrome
4: Physiology of Metabolic Syndrome
5: Importance of Sugar Health
6: Importance of Hormone Health
7: Importance of a Healthy Circulatory System
Part II: Clinical Picture
8: Pathology of Metabolic Syndrome
9: Causes and Risk Factors of Metabolic Syndrome
10: Diagnosing Metabolic Syndrome
11: Role of Family Practice Physicians in Metabolic Syndrome
12: Role of Internists in Metabolic Syndrome
13: Role of Endocrinologists in Metabolic Syndrome
14: Role of the Hospital in Metabolic Syndrome
Part III: Faces of Metabolic Syndrome
15: In Relation to Abnormal Blood Pressure
16: In Relation to Cholesterol Problems
17: In Relation to Excess Body Fat
18: In Relation to Heart Attacks
19: In Relation to Sugar Imbalance
20: Types of Sugar Disorders
21: Disorders Associated with Metabolic Syndrome
Part IV: Resolutions
22: Natural Approaches
23: Exercises for Metabolic Syndrome
24: Medicinal Approaches
25: Surgery and Metabolic Syndrome
26: Addressing the Genetics
27: Addressing the Mind
28: Addressing the Pain
Part V: Homestretch
29: Collective Efforts
30: Conclusion
Appendix A: Glossary of Terms
Appendix B: For Further Reading
Appendix C: About the Author
Appendix D: Endnotes