National Geographic The Photo Ark Vanishing
By Joel Sartore
By Joel Sartore
Part of The Photo Ark
Category: Science & Technology | Photography
Sep 10, 2019 | ISBN 9781426220593
Buy the Hardcover:
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Starlore of the Constellations
“I can never unsee these faces, and I believe I am a better person because of it. Thank you, Joel Sartore, for using your passion and talent to give these animals a voice.” –Amy’s Booket List
“There are nearly 300 portraits in this book. They are gorgeous. They will break your heart. But this book is SO IMPORTANT.” –Bookapotamus
“Any lover of nature or ardent conservationist would adore this book, its photos, and its message.” –JulzReads
“This book is both beautiful and heart rending. All of the animals in it are either already extinct in the wild or heading towards extinction. Just think about that. The man taking all of these magnificent pictures wants to at least make a record of each one’s existence before it falls from the earth.” –Broken Teepee
“It’s a very sad thing, to read through this book, and see all the critters on the Endangered list, and on the Extinction lists.” –The Pages In-Between
“I’m going to tell you that the photos in this book are absolutely stunning and you will find yourself compulsively turning the pages.” –Stranded in Chaos
“Joel Sartore has captured the soul of each animal on a simple black or white background, forcing the reader to look into the eyes of many of the animals that our actions are helping to decimate.” –Stephanie’s Book Reviews
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