Infant Massage (Fourth Edition)
By Vimala McClure
By Vimala McClure
By Vimala McClure
By Vimala McClure
Jul 11, 2017 | ISBN 9781101965948
Jul 11, 2017 | ISBN 9780425286678
Jul 11, 2017 | ISBN 9781101965948
Jul 11, 2017 | ISBN 9780425286678
“Speaking as a pediatrician, the best advice I can give you is to try the techniques described in this book.”—Stephen Berman, M.D., F.A.A.P., former president, American Academy of Pediatrics
“What a brilliant way to love and nurture a child! The first connection between parent and child is physical, through the body; by using the techniques Vimala McClure has developed, your parental relationship will be off to a magnificent start.”—Judy Ford, author of Wonderful Ways to Love a Child