Cities and the Wealth of Nations
By Jane Jacobs
By Jane Jacobs
By Jane Jacobs
By Jane Jacobs
Category: Economics
Category: Economics | Domestic Politics
Mar 12, 1985 | ISBN 9780394729114
Aug 17, 2016 | ISBN 9780525432876
Mar 12, 1985 | ISBN 9780394729114
Aug 17, 2016 | ISBN 9780525432876
Winner of the Los Angeles Times Book Review Award for Non-Fiction
“Learned, iconoclastic and exciting . . . Jacobs’ diagnosis of the decay of cities in an increasingly integrated world economy is on the mark.”—The New York Times Book Review
“Jacobs’ book is inspired, idiosyncratic and personal . . . It is written with verve and humor; for a work of embattled theory, it is wonderfully concrete, and its leaps are breathtaking.”—Los Angeles Times
“Not only comprehensible but entertaining. . . . Like Mrs. Jacobs’ other books, it offers a concrete approach to an abstract and elusive subject. That, all by itself, makes for an intoxicating experience.”—The New York Times