Esta vez, se lo juegan todo. La épica conclusión del romantasy bestseller de The New York Times.
Rune Winters está huyendo. Desde que el chico al que amaba, Gideon Sharpe, reveló quién era y la entregó al enemigo, el mundo entero la quiere ver muerta. Si Rune quiere sobrevivir, debe aliarse con la cruel y peligrosa Cressida Roseblood, que planea recuperar la República y reinstaurar un Reino de Brujas. Y para ello necesita a Rune.
Al parecer, a Rune no le bastó con engañar a Gideon; ahora lo ha traicionado aliándose con la bruja que convirtió su vida en un infierno. Gideon no permitirá que la República caiga en manos de las brujas y se sumerja de nuevo en las pesadillas del pasado. Todas las brujas deben morir, especialmente Rune Winters.
Cuando Rune le hace a Gideon una oferta que no puede rechazar, deberán colaborar para lograr sus objetivos, pero, cuanto más tiempo pasan juntos, más se da cuenta Gideon de que los sentimientos que sentía por Rune no están tan muertos y enterrados como pensaba. Ahora se enfrenta a una terrible elección: sacrificar a la chica que ama para impedir que un monstruo recupere el poder o dejar que Rune viva y destruir el mundo por el que tanto ha luchado.
The stakes are even higher in this epic, romantic conclusion to the New York Times bestselling Crimson Moth duology
Rune Winters is on the run. Ever since the boy she loved, Gideon Sharpe, revealed who she was and delivered her into enemy hands, everyone wants her dead. If Rune hopes to survive, she must ally herself with the cruel and dangerous Cressida Roseblood, who’s planning to take back the Republic and reinstate a Reign of Witches―something Cressida needs Rune to accomplish.
Apparently it wasn’t enough for Rune to deceive Gideon; she’s now betrayed him by joining forces with the witch who made his life a living hell. Gideon won’t allow the Republic to fall to the witches and be plunged back into the nightmares of the past. In order to protect this new world he fought for, every last witch must die―especially Rune Winters.
When Rune makes Gideon an offer he can’t refuse, the two must pair up to accomplish dangerous goals. The more they’re forced into each other’s company, the more Gideon realizes the feelings he had for Rune aren’t as dead and buried as he thought. Now he’s faced with a terrible choice: sacrifice the girl he loves to stop a monster taking back power, or let Rune live and watch the world he fought so hard for burn.
In Kristen Ciccarelli’s Rebel Witch, the exciting conclusion to The Crimson Moth duology, love has never been so deadly.