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Disturbing the Bones Reader’s Guide

By Andrew Davis Jeff Biggers

Disturbing the Bones by Andrew Davis | Jeff Biggers

Disturbing the Bones Reader’s Guide

By Andrew Davis Jeff Biggers

Category: Suspense & Thriller


1. Disturbing the Bones opens with the discovery of human remains at an archaeological site. How does this discovery frame the rest of the novel? Many physical excavations occur throughout the novel, but where else do we see this process of “excavation” take place?
2. What is the effect of the third-person omniscient narrator? Why not tell the story solely from Randall’s or Molly’s perspective?
3. What is law enforcement’s role in Disturbing the Bones? What separates Randall from police officers like Sheriff Benton?
4. Setting plays an important role in Disturbing the Bones, with the majority of events taking place in either Cairo or Chicago. Why focus specifically on these two cities? What does each city represent for Randall? What does each city represent politically?
5. In Disturbing the Bones, there are many cultural and political differences between Cairo and Chicago, do these differences reflect a larger phenomenon in the United States, and if so, how? Consider the Waller-Adam election and its parallels to the ongoing presidential election.
6. Consider the way Gen. Alexander presents his newly advanced drone weaponry, what does this display reveal about the nature of political violence? What does it reveal about the general attitude towards war within the novel?
7. Both Molly and Randall possess ties to Cairo’s political history; Molly’s grandfather having been a prominent white supremacist and Randall’s mother a civil rights activist. How have these family legacies shaped Molly and Randall? Do these histories inform their decisions throughout the novel?
8. Guilt is a central theme throughout Disturbing the Bones. What is each character’s relationship to guilt and how does it influence their actions and relationships to others?
9. In what way is the “past prologue”? Is it necessary to dig up the past in order to ensure a better future?
10. What is the role of social-media and national news throughout the novel? Are these platforms tools that help or hinder the pursuit of the truth?
11. Were you satisfied by the conclusion of Disturbing the Bones? Would Randall and Molly have been better off if they hadn’t pursued the truth?
12. Written by an acclaimed director and journalist team, does it feel like film influenced the writing style or plotlines? Which scenes feel especially cinematic?
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