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Wedding Dashers Reader’s Guide

By Heather McBreen

Wedding Dashers by Heather McBreen

Wedding Dashers Reader’s Guide

By Heather McBreen

Category: Contemporary Romance | Women’s Fiction


Reader’s Guide
Wedding Dashers by Heather McBreen
Discussion Questions:

1.         Have you ever told a stranger a secret thinking you’d never see them again? What happened?

2.         Ada lost sight of her own wants and needs while in a relationship with Carter. What are ways someone could rediscover themselves after leaving that type of relationship?

3.         Ada “failed” the first time she pursued her dream. Have you ever had a setback while pursuing a dream? How did you handle it?

4.         At the end of Ada’s relationship with Carter she remains optimistic that she will one day find the type of loving, supportive relationship she needs. Jack, after his breakup with Lexi, grows cynical and decides to give up on love entirely. Why do you think people often respond in such extremes when it comes to heartbreak? How do you respond to heartbreak? Are you more like Jack or Ada?

5.         Prior to the wedding, Ada believes she knows better than Allison and therefore has a right to protect her from making “bad decisions,” which Allison disagrees with. Do you think you can ever truly protect your loved ones from making a choice you disagree with? Or do you think
it’s up to them to make their choices and learn from them if they do end up being wrong?

6.         Ada and Jack experience many travel setbacks on their journey from London to Northern Ireland. Have you ever had a travel setback?
How did you handle it?

7.         After the wedding, Jack and Ada decide to put their relationship on hold while they heal. In what situations do you think people should heal separately versus together?

8.         At the beginning of the novel Ada is a firm believer in luck, while Jack is not. Do you believe in good luck and bad luck?

9.         After Ada loses her business, she struggles to rediscover her creative spark. Have you ever gone through a period where you struggled with something like this? How did you rediscover your passion?

10.       Ada has preconceived assumptions about both Collin and Jack, but later realizes she was wrong. Have you ever made an assumption or drawn a conclusion about someone before truly getting to know them and later realized you were wrong?
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