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Remember Your Roots by Christine Olivia Hernandez
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Remember Your Roots

Best Seller
Remember Your Roots by Christine Olivia Hernandez
Paperback $17.99
Jul 09, 2024 | ISBN 9781401976057

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    Jul 09, 2024 | ISBN 9781401976057

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  • Jul 09, 2024 | ISBN 9781401976064

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Remember Your Roots is an incredible book that makes timeless Indigenous wisdom accessible to the descendants of any lineage so they can awaken their inner ancestral knowledge and be guided back home to their highest selves.”
— Sahara Rose, bestselling author and host of Highest Self Podcast
“Remember Your Roots is a profound exploration of our collective lineage, intricately woven with the ancient wisdom of the Mayan people. The power of this book lies in its ability to transcend the boundaries of time and culture. It’s not just about understanding Mayan wisdom; it’s about rekindling a relationship with our own primal heritage, a journey toward wholeness in a fragmented world. This book is an essential read for anyone seeking to understand the interconnectedness of all life and the importance of honoring our past to navigate our future. Remember Your Roots is indeed a testament to the enduring power of Indigenous wisdom in shaping our collective consciousness.”
— Ana Flores, founder of We All Grow Latina
“This brilliant book is a divine offering of pure love and deep ancestral wisdom. It’s a generous gift to the world and one that blends ancient Indigenous wisdom with our modern times. The Mayan teachings shared throughout awaken all that is waiting to be reclaimed and remembered. Remember Your Roots invites us to heal in a way that our bones and blood remember—a potent journey indeed.”
— Asha Frost, Indigenous Medicine Woman and author of You are the Medicine
Remember Your Roots is an invitation to go to the depth. This book reminds you that you are more powerful than you know, and wiser than you give yourself credit for. It’s a must read for those ready to transform from the roots up.”
— Christine Gutiérrez, Latina therapist and author of I Am Diosa and Wisdom del Alma
“The ancestral Maya honored their elders and had a cosmovision that surrounded them with many powerful gods that inhabited the sky, the jungle, and the underworld of caves. Christine, in Remember Your Roots, manages to connect her maya roots and our modern world with her personal relationship with the divine developed in a narrative of life as a medicine woman and guide for her peers.”
— Fernando Paiz Andrade, President of La Ruta Maya Conservation Foundation

In a complicated world, with clashing ideas, visions, and directions, going back to go forward is key to Remember Your Roots. Ancestral wisdom is for healing as well as for growth. The advanced capitalist society we are in, imagined and imposed over millennia, is itself a source of trauma, alienation, stress, and loss. Here, Hernandez provides us with codes and practices to find our centering, our medicine, and our liberation. Drawing on Mayan ways that have lasted despite conquest, colonization, and erasure, Hernandez makes this work meaningful in the context of the modern world. I recommend this highly—Hernandez has walked the walk, and she’s done the work. - Luis J. Rodriguez, co-founder of Tia Chuchas and author of Hearts & Hands and From Our Land to Our Land

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