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The Night Ends with Fire Reader’s Guide

By K. X. Song

The Night Ends with Fire by K. X. Song

The Night Ends with Fire Reader’s Guide

By K. X. Song

Category: Fairy Tales


Reader’s Guide
The Night Ends with Fire by K.X. Song
Discussion Questions:

1.   Given her context and upbringing, Meilin often views her ambition as a negative, even as a sign of depravity. In our world today, how do you think women and other marginalized groups view their own ambition?

2.   How is the character of Meilin different from other versions of Mulan you have seen before? How is she similar?

3.   At times Meilin desires security, safety, and order, and at other times, she seeks adventure, risk, and rebellion—seemingly opposing
motives. How is it possible to hold these dualities? What kinds of warring dualities do you see in the other characters and in the world of The Night Ends with Fire? Have you also seen these in yourself and in the world around you?

4.   In the story, each powerful spirit requires a human emotion to feed upon and draw strength from. While the phoenix’s power draws upon vengeance, the dragon’s power draws upon greed. Why do you think this relationship exists between magical power and human emotion? How does it mirror power dynamics in our real world?

5.   Meilin’s disposition changes throughout the course of the novel as she gains experience and ability. Were there any changes that you were heartened by? Conversely, were there any changes that left you discomforted or uneasy? Why?

6.   Meilin thinks, “I wanted to trust Qinglong, because I wanted to obey orders. The choice had felt safe—and familiar. It was what had always been expected of me. Even now I missed the simplicity of army life, the unthinking nature of it. . . . There was no room for doubt, for regret, for . . . responsibility.” Are there other characters in the novel who are motivated by a similar tendency? Do we see this mindset in our world today, and if so, what are some of the consequences?

7.   When Prince Lei explains the rationale for his mother’s murder, he says, “It is because of power that they did this. Because they had it, and they wanted to hold on to it, or because they didn’t have it, and wanted it.” What other events in history can you ascribe to these same motivations?

8.   Meilin’s relationships with Prince Sky and Prince Lei are very different in nature, yet she feels drawn to both. What disparate qualities do they each bring out in her?

9.   Although Meilin and Sima Yi are enemies on opposite sides of the war, they also feel a kinship to each other. Do you think there was a different way they could have reconciled, or was their ending inevitable?

10. Meilin’s stepmother, Xiuying, warns her at the start of the journey: “They would never let a woman get away with something like this. . . . They would never let a woman hold on to power.” And yet Meilin is shocked by her comrades’ betrayal and the warlord’s subsequent decision after she returns from winning the war. What do you think of this ending? Were you expecting it—or did it surprise you as it surprised Meilin?
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