The Myth That Made Us
By Jeff Fuhrer
By Jeff Fuhrer
By Jeff Fuhrer
By Jeff Fuhrer
By Jeff Fuhrer
By Jeff Fuhrer
By Jeff Fuhrer
By Jeff Fuhrer
Feb 04, 2025 | ISBN 9780262552851
Sep 12, 2023 | ISBN 9780262048392
Sep 12, 2023 | ISBN 9780262375825
Sep 12, 2023 | ISBN 9780262375832
Trade Policy Disaster
The Economics Book
Ours Was the Shining Future
The Hidden Globe
The Economics of Growth
Nature, Culture, and Inequality
Lectures on Microeconomics
Our Lives in Their Portfolios
Included in Publishers Weekly’s Fall 2023 Adult Announcements Business and Economics Top 10 List
“A thoughtful call for equality of economic opportunity, both provocative and, in the end, eminently practical.”
—Kirkus Reviews
“Economist Fuhrer carefully deconstructs this myth and discusses discriminatory policies designed to disadvantage people of color, such as the exclusion of domestic and agricultural workers, who were disproportionately likely to be people of color, from New Deal minimum wage and overtime pay requirements…The troubling interviews and statistics underscore the difficulty of “making it” in America, and the proposed solutions are pragmatic and well considered. Readers will be outraged by this scathing indictment of America’s failure to live up to its meritocratic ideals.”
—Publishers Weekly
“I have a book to recommend. It’s called “The Myth That Made Us.” It’s by Jeff Fuhrer, an economist and former director of research at the Federal Reserve of Boston, and it’s really good. In it, he examines some of our sacred truths: That success goes to those who work hard; that we live in a land of opportunity, and in a meritocracy where individual effort is appropriately rewarded; that we should keep government out of the way and let markets work their magic; that racism never existed, or no longer affects outcomes for people of color. Fuhrer, now a fellow at the Eastern Bank Foundation, used to buy into parts of that myth himself. But then, some 15 years ago, the Fed in Boston began looking closely at what was going on in former industrial cities in Massachusetts, and he got the chance to have long conversations with many people who were doing everything they were supposed to but were still struggling.”
—The Boston Globe, columnist Yvonne Abraham
“Fuhrer’s 30+ years of experience at the Federal Reserve also affords unique insights and evidence. First, we get an insider’s view into the myth related to certain roles of the government. The discussion of the Great Recession is one such compelling story; not only does this illustrate that government intervention is sometimes necessary, but it also points out who received the most (and least) support. Second, Fuhrer notes how his involvement with a community development initiative at the Fed led to his recognition of “gaps in mainstream economics.” The self-described change of heart may put readers in a more open mindset at the start, which is how this book should be approached. Finally, unique, especially for economists, is the inclusion of portions of interviews with economically disadvantaged individuals, which humanizes not only the detrimental consequences of the myth but also the potential solutions…This book is a nice addition to the discourse on inequality in the United States. One does not need any particular training to understand it, but interest and an open mind will help one to appreciate it fully.”
— Journal of Economic Literature
“I welcome Fuhrer adding his voice to those challenging the massive rise in inequality that we have seen in the last half century. If we are ever to make serious progress we need to have a lot people follow his path.”
—Dean Baker
Table Of Contents
A Note from Eastern Bank Foundation vii
Preface: A Mainstream Economist Discovers His Blind Spots ix
Introduction: Like Dives before Lazarus 1
Part I The Myth 13
1 Our National Economic Mythology 17
2 Public Belief in The Myth: A Survey of Polling Results 35
3 An Origin Story for The Myth: Roots in the Founding of the Republic 49
Part II The Facts 57
4 How Broken Are We? Low (and Unequal) Incomes 63
5 How Broken Are We? The Distribution of Wealth 79
6 Broken Work: The Prevalence and Characteristics of “Low-Quality” Jobs 93
7 The Rest of the Story: More Signs of Brokenness 101
Part III The Myth versus the Facts 113
8 Evidence against The Myth 117
9 This Is Not the Only Way: International Comparisons 131
Part IV Broken by Design: How We Have Chosen to Create and Sustain Our Broken System 137
10 The History of Systems That Have Been Shaped by The Myth 143
Part V The Wreckage 179
11 The Loss Looking Backward 183
12 The Loss Looking Forward 189
Part VI What Are You Prepared to Do? The Way Forward 197
13 Change the Narrative 201
14 How to Get There: A Program to Build Human and Financial Capital 209
15 The Other Half of the Battle: Implementation Matters 239
Conclusion: A Vision of Opportunity 247
Acknowledgments 249
Notes 255
Bibliography 295
Index 337
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