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Witch of Wild Things Reader’s Guide

By Raquel Vasquez Gilliland

Witch of Wild Things by Raquel Vasquez Gilliland

Witch of Wild Things Reader’s Guide

By Raquel Vasquez Gilliland

Category: Romance | Contemporary Fantasy


Reader’s Guide
Witch of Wild Things by Raquel Vasquez Gilliland
Discussion Questions:

1.   Sage and Tenn first met through AOL Instant Messenger when they were teenagers. How do you think Sage’s internet anonymity helped shape their relationship back then? Did it bring them closer together or keep them further apart? Have you ever had an anonymous online friendship?

2.   When Nadia sees Sage’s basil plant, she tells Sage, “I thought you’d given it up.” In return, Sage wants to ask, How can you give up something that you’re made of? Do you think Sage, or any of the Flores women, could ever truly give up their gifts? Would their lives be easier or harder without their gifts?

3.   For most of the story, Teal is very resistant to patching up her relationship with Sage. Why do you think this is? Is Teal right to blame Sage for what happened to Sky? What could Teal and Sage have done differently to fix their relationship sooner?

4.   Do you think Sage was right or wrong to make a deal in bad faith with Tenn?

5.   Nadia says the gifts the Flores women have are a punishment. Do you agree with her? Why or why not? If you could pick from Sage’s, Teal’s, or Sky’s gifts, which would you choose?

6.   When Sage first learns that Sky the ghost breaks all three rules of ghosthood according to her grandmother Sonya, did you suspect that maybe Sky wasn’t a ghost after all? What were you anticipating when Sage finally discovers Sky in Cranberry Falls?

7.   Plant hunting is a centuries-old profession. Had you heard of it before reading Witch of Wild Things? How do you think the job suits Sage and Tenn?

8.   When was the moment you think Sage fell for Tenn (again)? When do you think Tenn fell for Sage? What do you see in their future after the book ends?
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