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Raiders of the Lost Heart Reader’s Guide

By Jo Segura

Raiders of the Lost Heart by Jo Segura

Raiders of the Lost Heart Reader’s Guide

By Jo Segura

Category: Romance


Reader’s Guide
Raiders of the Lost Heart by Jo Segura
Discussion Questions:

1.   As evidenced by her many outrageous escapades, Corrie is an adventure seeker. Do you seek out adventure? What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done? Does taking risks scare you or does it energize you?

2.   If you could participate on an archaeological dig, would you? If so, where would you like to go?

3.   After Ford comes clean to Corrie regarding his hiring for the dig, she asks whether he would have handled things the same way if the Chimalli expert had been someone other than her—and specifically, a man. Do you think Ford would have acted differently if he was dealing with a male counterpart? What role do you think sex and gender factored into Ford and Corrie’s animosity?

4.   Corrie’s sexuality is front and center in her relationships and her career. Despite the impact it has had on her reputation, Corrie embraces her sexuality. Do you think Corrie’s sexuality is a hinderance or an asset? Do you think Corrie’s appearance and sexuality are the primary factors that have influenced her reputation? How do you think people would perceive Corrie if she were not a woman?

5.   They say “a little friendly competition never hurt anyone.” Do you agree? If not, are there ever times that competition between colleagues can be a positive thing?

6.   Ultimately, Corrie gives Ford a second chance (though some might say, a third chance). Do you think people deserve second chances? Why or why not? Under what circumstances would you give someone a second chance in a relationship?

7.   Although still rooted in deception, Ford’s reasons for tricking Corrie into coming on the dig could be seen as admirable. Do you think Ford’s reasons excuse his behavior? Is there a different or better way he could have handled the situation? Do you think he redeemed himself by the end of the book? Are there ever times when deceiving someone might be justified?

8.   Corrie and Ford joke about their lives as a Choose Your Own Adventure book. If you had to give your life a Choose Your Own Adventure title, what would you call it? Describe a situation in your life where you had to choose between two drastically different options. Which did you choose and why? If you could go back, would you make a different choice? How do you think that would have changed your life (if at all)?

9.   Archaeology sometimes receives criticism for the harmful effects of its past colonial practices: removing artifacts from their native lands and displaying them in other countries, disturbing ancient and often spiritual sites that have ritual and historic significance to local communities, and even creating harmful—and often racist—narratives related to perceived inferiority of colonized groups. Do you think Corrie, who believes she is the descendant of Chimalli, has more of a right to search for his remains than people who do not share that culture or heritage? Do you think artifacts should be left undisturbed or do you think archaeology still provides value in today’s world? What do you think archaeologists should do to ensure their practices are respectful of the cultures and countries in which they work?

10. Indiana Jones, Lara Croft, Rick O’Connell, Benjamin Franklin Gates—these popular action/adventure movie characters seem to have the same mindset: find the artifact at any cost. However, despite all the explosions, destruction, and lack of any scientific technique, they are always portrayed as the heroes at the end of the movie. Makes for an exciting movie, but what do you think about these characters? Should they be applauded for their tactics? Do you think Corrie falls into the same category as these characters?

11.  The author of Raiders of the Lost Heart loves a good internet quiz. Silly, trivia, food-related, you name it. If you were to craft a quiz to determine what character you are from the book, what would the title of your quiz be? What types of questions would you ask?