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Sex, Lies and Sensibility Reader’s Guide

By Nikki Payne

Sex, Lies and Sensibility by Nikki Payne

Sex, Lies and Sensibility Reader’s Guide

By Nikki Payne

Category: Romance


Reader’s Guide
Sex, Lies and Sensibility by Nikki Payne
Discussion Questions:

On Reputation

It’s easy to think in modern times that we are not under enormous pressure to uphold a good reputation. But how many times have we seen people lose their job prospects, education, and even their families over a tweet or a video that shows them at their worst?

1.         How does the pressure to maintain his reputation impact Bear?

2.         What benefit was Bear getting from the largely untrue rumors of his valor?

3.         What is Bear’s reputation at the beginning of the novel versus at the end? Was the change worth it?

4.         How does the need to move away from her reputation contribute to Nora’s personal and romantic struggles?

5.         Are there instances where Nora and Bear overemphasize their reputations over genuine love and happiness?

On Identity
Let’s discuss how do the characters’ political, racial, and socioeconomic identities impact their choices in the novel.

1.         Bear accused Nora of Columbasing Barton Cove. Why was she particularly offended by that? Was it true?

2.         Yanne is eager to share her alleged Native ancestry with Bear and his cousin. Why was Moxcy so turned off by Yanne’s attempts at

3.         Why did Bear see the dam project as particularly egregious?

4.         Nora and Bear sit down to ask each other “Stupid Questions.” Why did that lead to a turning point in their relationship?

5.         Nora thinks she can only cry in the shower or she’s not a #StrongBlackWoman. What does she mean by this?

On Economics
Let’s dive into the economic factors that influence the characters’ romantic choices in the novel.

1.         How do considerations of financial stability impact Nora and Bear’s decisions when it comes to romantic relationships?

2.         How do Nora and Bear navigate their desire for love alongside the need to secure their financial and social standing?

3.         Compare that to Yanne and Brandon, Lu and Basil?

4.         The class divide in Sex, Lies and Sensibility is quite pronounced. How do the differences between the upper-middle class and the
working class impact Nora and Bear’s interaction and perceptions of each other?

5.         Lu seems to think the idea that “love conquers all” is just white man’s magic. What does she mean by that?

On Characters
It’s interesting to compare the different approaches to romance between the Dash sisters and the dynamics at play for multiple characters.

1.         How do Nora’s measured practicality and Yanne’s romanticism affect their relationships with each other and their eventual partners?

2.         Is Bear jealous of Basil? Is Basil jealous of Bear? What is the nature of their relationship?

3.         Is Lu a villain? Why or why not?

4.         Nora thinks she knows how everything will end. How did this keep her stuck in her romantic rut?

5.         Bear and Nora bond over sports, Brandon is obsessed with money, and Yanne feels incredibly left out. How does she deal with that loneliness?
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