El Estudio de China
By T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell, II
By T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell, II
By T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell, II
By T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell, II
Category: Spanish Language Nonfiction
Category: Spanish Language Nonfiction
May 29, 2012 | ISBN 9781935618782
Jun 05, 2012 | ISBN 9781935618812
Las 4 Disciplinas de la Ejecución / The 4 Disciplines of Execution
Outliers (Fuera de serie) / Outliers: The Story of Success
Mafalda 7 (Spanish Edition)
Proceso creativo / Creative Process
El arte de cuidarte: Descubre las herramientas de tu felicidad / The Art of Cari ng
La tiranía de las ideas. Lo que necesitas para comprender a México, Estados Unid o s, la humanidad y el mundo. / The Tyranny of Ideas
Entre azul y buenas noches / Between Blue and Good Night
Meditaciones para las mujeres que aman demasiado / Daily Mediations for Women Wh o Lo ve Too Much
Mundo Quino / A Quino World
Praise for The China Study:
“The China Study is the most important book on nutrition and health to come out in the last 75 years. Everyone should read it
David Klein, Publisher/Editor of Living Nutrition Magazine
“Dr. Campbell and his son, Thomas, have written a lively, provocative, and important book that deserves widespread attention.”
Frank Rhodes, PhD, President (19781995) Emeritus at Cornell University
“Colin Campbell’s The China Study is an important book and a highly readable one. The China Study is a story that needs to be heard.”
Robert C. Richardson, PhD, Nobel Prize Winner, Professor of Physics and Vice Provost of Research, Cornell University
“Clearly and beautifully written by one of the world’s most respected nutrition authorities, The China Study represents a major turning point in our understanding of health.”
Neal Barnard, MD, President, Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine
“Everyone in the field of nutrition science stands on the shoulders of T. Colin Campbell, who is one of the giants in the field. This is one of the most important books about nutrition ever writtenreading it may save your life.”
Dean Ornish, MD, Founder & President, Preventive Medicine Research Institute, Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco; Author of Dr. Dean Ornish’s Program for Reversing Heart Disease and Love & Survival
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