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Vampires of El Norte Reader’s Guide

By Isabel Cañas

Vampires of El Norte by Isabel Cañas

Vampires of El Norte Reader’s Guide

By Isabel Cañas

Category: Gothic & Horror | Historical Romance


Reader’s Guide
Vampires of El Norte by Isabel Cañas
Discussion Questions:

1. At the start of this novel, Nena is resigned to the fate her parentschoose for her, and Néstor is resigned to never coming back toLos Ojuelos. Discuss their growth over the course of the story. Didyou think they had similar motivations?

2. In contrast, what do you think they were each lacking withoutthe other?

3. What did you make of the decision to have Nena and Néstorcome from different social classes? What did you think this wasmeant to tell us about community?

4. What are your thoughts on the portrayal of vampires in thisstory? Why do you think they were written this way?

5. Nena and Néstor butt heads a lot. Who did you relate to more?

6. Thinking about the previous question, do you think either Nena or Néstor had a point in their arguments? Who do you think benefitted most from their disagreements?

7. The story is set in the 1840s Mexico. Did you have any expec-tations of what this time period would be like? What did you learn from this novel?

8. Mamá and Papá were tough on both Nena and Néstor in the story. Did you understand their reasoning?

9. Did you see any parallels between the humans and the vampires of the story? Discuss.

10. What did you think of the ending? Do you think there is more of the story to be told?
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