Giving Bodies Back to Data
By Silvia Casini
By Silvia Casini
By Silvia Casini
By Silvia Casini
Part of Leonardo
Part of Leonardo
Category: Science & Technology | Art
Category: Science & Technology | Art
Aug 03, 2021 | ISBN 9780262045292
Aug 03, 2021 | ISBN 9780262362207
Aug 03, 2021 | ISBN 9780262045292
Aug 03, 2021 | ISBN 9780262362207
“Giving Bodies Back to Data is a must-read book for a range of readers: whether interested in understanding the journey leading to the development of MRI technology, or the processes of artmaking in an art and science context, they might find themselves becoming inextricably entangled with and benefiting from both approaches.”
—Roberta Buiani, Leonardo journal
“Casini’s ambitiously interdisciplinary approach offers a powerful model for other arts and humanities researchers. It raises pertinent conceptual and methodological questions about contemporary art practice as knowledge production, building on the work of anthropology and STS scholars that include Tim Ingold, and Erin Manning and Brian Massumi. Whilst art history often prioritizes a scholarly focus on the final visual output of medical imaging technologies, Casini’s approach suggests that we might be equally well advised to consider the black-boxed processes through which such images are produced.”
—Fiona Johnstone, Art History journal
“Such detailed and critical cross-disciplinary case studies as Giving Bodies Back to Data in the field of art and science are rare so far, and books like this one provide a more critical and precise account of new imaging technologies than overview studies on image and science. Ultimately, the biggest contribution of Casini’s book is the compelling case it makes about the importance of history when dealing with technology. Both those involved in developing new technologies and those who use them would benefit from understanding their situated histories where decisions in their development entangle politics and economics with science, aesthetics, creativity and disciplinary tensions across space and time.”
—Anca-Simona Horvath and Viola Ruhse, The Senses and Society journal
“In total, the book is an eminent contribution to the literature on the embodied and situated practices of data visualizations.”
—H-Net Network on science, medicine and technology
Table Of Contents
Chapter 1 Center-Periphery in Data Visualization: Concepts and Methods
Part I Opening the Black Box
Chapter 2 Histories and Practices in MRI Early Development
Chapter 3 Inside the Laboratory: from Signal to Coils, from Images to Bodies
Chapter 4 Visualizing Uncertainty in MRI Reinvention
Intermezzo Lives in the Grid
Part II Art-Science Collaboration
Chapter 5 Challenging the Neurorealism Fallacy through the Arts
Chapter 6 Archives and Laboratory Ethnography: Giving Bodies Back to Data
Chapter 7 Bodily Sociotechnical Imaginaries in the Age of Operational Images
Color Plates