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Astrid Parker Doesn’t Fail Reader’s Guide

By Ashley Herring Blake

Astrid Parker Doesn't Fail by Ashley Herring Blake

Astrid Parker Doesn’t Fail Reader’s Guide

By Ashley Herring Blake

Category: Contemporary Romance


Reader’s Guide
Astrid Parker Doesn’t Fail by Ashley Herring Blake
Discussion Questions:

1.   Jordan and Astrid’s first impressions of each other aren’t the greatest, to say the least. Have you ever met someone in a similar way? Did you end up liking one another?

2.   Do you think Isabel, Astrid’s mother, is redeemable? Why do you think it took Astrid so long to stand up to her?

3.   Jordan regularly does Tarot readings for herself, while Astrid isn’t a big believer in it. Are you interested in Tarot? If so, have you found that the results apply to your life?

4.   Would you rather have Astrid or Jordan design your home? And, why?

5.   If you were Astrid, would you have agreed to Jordan’s plan to pretend the design is yours, or would your conscience stop you?

6.   Have you ever had a drastic career change like Astrid? If you were considering one, what would your dream job be?

7.   For a long time, Astrid tried to conform to another person’s idea of who she should be. Have you ever experienced conflict with what someone else expected of you? How did you handle it?

8.   Astrid realized certain things about her sexuality after she turned thirty. Do you think sexuality is fluid? Have you ever experienced an “awakening” about your own identity or personality?

9.   Jordan spends much of the novel feeling like she’s not good enough for anyone in her life, and eventually learns that she has to be good enough for herself first. Does this resonate with you? How does the way you view yourself affect your relationships?

10. In the end, Astrid and Jordan both believe in some sort of destiny—while it’s true we make our own choices and those choices shape our lives, do you believe there are certain things that are fated?
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