Neighborhood as Refuge
By Isabelle Anguelovski
By Isabelle Anguelovski
Part of Urban and Industrial Environments
Category: Science & Technology
Mar 21, 2014 | ISBN 9780262322195
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Anguelovski concludes by arguing for a theory of environmental justice for urban neighbourhoods. This embraces improvements in physical and mental health (due to clean air, non-toxic soil, healthy and affordable food supplies – some grown locally, safe play and recreation areas, sports and other physical exercise opportunities, and healthy and affordable homes). It also entails processes such as addressing stigmas about low-income and minority residents, establishing borders to the neighbourhood, and promoting participation in spontaneous planning. ‘Under these conditions’ she says, ‘we can create a healthy environment where all people live, work, play, and learn’—London School of Economics Review of Books—
Isabelle Anguelovski shows that academics can make a powerful contribution to the work of environmental activists who are struggling in areas of extreme poverty and civic neglect.
—London School of Economics Review of Books—21 Books You’ve Been Meaning to Read
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