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Meet You in the Middle Reader’s Guide

By Devon Daniels

Meet You in the Middle by Devon Daniels

Meet You in the Middle Reader’s Guide

By Devon Daniels

Category: Contemporary Romance


Meet You in the Middle by Devon Daniels
Questions for Discussion

1.  When we first meet Kate, she is closed to the idea of dating her political opposite, but by the end of the book, she realizes that she’s found her match in Ben. What factors or events do you think were most influential in changing her mind?

2.  Kate’s behavior could be perceived as contradictory: she’s strong-willed and decisive in her professional life but doesn’t want to make the first move in her romantic relationships. Do you think you can be a feminist and still subscribe to old-fashioned ideals of courtship? Why or why not?

3.  While Kate’s mom, Beverly, is a critical figure in her life—even influencing her choice of profession—her complicated feelings about being the product of an unplanned teen pregnancy follow her into adulthood. How did Kate’s upbringing and relationship with her mother help shape her beliefs? Why do you think Beverly urged Kate to give Ben a chance when she herself never married? How important do you think Beverly’s advice was in Kate’s decision to open her heart to Ben?

4.  How do you think Kate’s strained relationship with her father affected her ability to trust and open up to Ben? When Kate finally did share the story of her upbringing with Ben, how did his reaction help move their relationship forward?

5.  Ben told Kate that “I’d rather argue with you than get along with anyone else.” Do you think opposites-attract relationships are more or less likely to succeed than relationships between people who are similar? Why or why not?

6.  Ben demonstrated his feelings for Kate via a variety of romantic gestures, patiently prodding her along the path toward acceptance of their differences. What do you think was the tipping point for Kate in letting her guard down with Ben?

7.  Kate makes statements like, “I’d never date a Republican.” In the wake of the 2016 election, a large percentage of dating app users began filtering out prospective mates who don’t share their political views. Do you think such behavior is sensible or shortsighted? What long-term effects do you think it could have?

8.  Ben challenged Kate to see the person beyond the label, believing that having different approaches to solving problems is something to celebrate. Did reading Kate and Ben’s story cause you to reevaluate how you interact with others about politics?

9.  Do you think a bipartisan relationship like Kate and Ben’s can be successful in today’s hyperpartisan political climate? Can you think of any examples of successful bipartisan relationships in your own life? Would you encourage a friend to pursue a relationship with their political opposite? What do you think are the challenges and benefits of a relationship in a couple with disparate political views?
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