By Dr. Joseph Mercola
By Dr. Joseph Mercola
By Dr. Joseph Mercola
By Dr. Joseph Mercola
Oct 12, 2021 | ISBN 9781401962241
Feb 18, 2020 | ISBN 9781401958763
Oct 12, 2021 | ISBN 9781401962241
Feb 18, 2020 | ISBN 9781401958763
“Dr. Mercola’s groundbreaking new book on the health effects of EMFs is both a sobering tale and an effective call to action. Dr. Mercola carefully lays out the history and evidence for the deleterious effects of EMF exposure and gives you real time, concrete steps to take to mitigate the damage for you and your family. As a result of reading this important book, I am redoubling my efforts to protect my family and patients from the harmful effects of EMFs, especially in light of the 5G rollout. This is a fight that involves us all, and Dr. Mercola’s book can help to light the way in this important struggle.” — Thomas Cowan, M.D., author of Human Heart, Cosmic Heart; Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness; and Cancer and the New Biology of Water
“Ten years ago, my declining health improved overnight after one simple change to my electrical exposures. If I had known about the health effects of wireless and electrical exposures fifteen years ago, it would have saved over a decade of deep personal pain and suffering. Please read this book and share what you have learned to protect yourself and the ones you love.” — Peter Sullivan, founder of Clear Light Ventures
“Want to know how EMFs impact your health? This book gives a masterful account of why our lives and our planet are becoming EMF*D up and what we can do about it. Readable and balanced, it’s a must-read for anyone truly interested in safeguarding their health.” — Lloyd Burrell, author of EMF Practical Guide and founder of ElectricSense.com
“5G technology holds the promise for faster connections, greater bandwidth, low latency, a massive internet-of-things, and smart cities. What’s not to like about that? Dr. Mercola has written an easy-to-read and comprehensive book explaining what we know about the potential adverse biological effects of a massive increase in our exposure to EMFs if/when 5G becomes widely available. Even if you don’t use the technology, you can’t opt out because it will be everywhere. This book is the go-to place if you want to become informed about the dangers of EMFs.” — Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., senior research scientist, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
“Dr. Joseph Mercola’s latest book—EMF*D—introduces the reader to the concept that electronic and wireless technology emits frequencies in the form of dirty electricity and microwave radiation that can harm and are harming our health. This books comes at an interesting time when governments around the world are racing to roll out 5G, 5th generation, wireless technology, without any testing of thebiological and health effects of long-term exposure. As we are increasingly exposed to more radiation via smart meters, smart appliances, Wi-Fi in schools, and now 5G small cell antennas placed on lamp posts every 100 meters or so, a growing number of people are asking, ‘Why the rush to 5G?’ and ‘Do we really need this technology?’ It is no longer enough for us to eat organic, drink purified water, inhale fresh air, exercise, and get plenty of sleep to stay healthy. We must also minimize our exposure to the harmful effects of electromagnetic pollution. Learn how to reduce your exposure and how to repair EMF-related damage by reading Dr. Mercola’s book, EMF*D. You won’t be disappointed!” — Dr. Magda Havas, B.Sc., Ph.D., Professor Emerita, Trent University, Canada
“Dr. Joseph Mercola has written the definitive book on electromagnetic fields, with a particular emphasis on how they affect our health. This is an invaluable resource with many practical solutions, especially for those who are EMF-sensitive. For those who don’t yet know about EMFs or who refuse to take them seriously, it will be harder to ignore them after reading this book. Everyone needs to know about the dangers of EMFs. This comprehensive manual will help accomplish that.” — Oram Miller, certified building biology environmental consultant and electromagnetic radiation specialist