The Pursuit of Dreams
By Dr. Dragos Bratasanu
By Dr. Dragos Bratasanu
Category: Philosophy | Self-Improvement & Inspiration
Apr 10, 2018 | ISBN 9781401952600
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“In this engaging book, Dr. Dragos Bratasanu shows us that science is the contemporary language of spirituality. Read it, and you will learn that everything in your life is an initiation to your true potential—and pain and suffering, when you apply your will to move through difficult experiences, is the birthing process of wisdom. The Pursuit of Dreams teaches us that when we trust ourselves and fully surrender, our dreams will come true.”
— Dr. Joe Dispenza, New York Times best-selling author of Becoming Supernatural and You Are the Placebo
“The Pursuit of Dreams is the container for an elegant code. It’s an advanced and consciousness-shifting ‘mind-ware’ that can breathe life into your greatest dreams and life’s passions.”
— Gregg Braden, New York Times best-selling author of Human by Design and The Divine Matrix
“Dr. Dragos stands for the hopeless, for the ones who starve for more meaning and purpose, for the rejected and the lonely. The genius of Dr. Dragos makes us clearly see that beyond our suffering, doubts, and problems that we face in life, there is a place in our hearts where courage, hope, and love still make our dreams possible.”
— Guy Djoken, CEO and executive director of UNESCO Center for Peace
“[Dragos is] an exceptionally creative and forward-thinking fellow who knows how to . . . produce excellent results.”
— Dr. Guy André Boy, NASA chief scientist, professor at Florida Institute of Technology, and fellow of the Academy of Air & Space
“Dragos is one of those gifted contributors who is practicing what he is preaching. Maybe this explains his instant transformative effect on his audiences.”
— Cristian Onetiu, entrepreneur in the Forbes Top 500 and start-ups mentor
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