Transcendental Meditation
By Jack Forem
By Jack Forem
By Jack Forem
By Jack Forem
Category: Meditation & Mindfulness | Philosophy | Exercise
Category: Meditation & Mindfulness | Philosophy | Exercise
Oct 08, 2012 | ISBN 9781401931568
Oct 08, 2012 | ISBN 9781401931575
Oct 08, 2012 | ISBN 9781401931568
Oct 08, 2012 | ISBN 9781401931575
“In the ongoing transmission of India’s practical wisdom to the West, nothing has had a bigger impact than Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and his Transcendental Meditation. This engaging and comprehensive update of Jack Forem’s seminal book is well timed, as the knowledge it contains is vital in our stressed-out, plugged-in era.”
— Philip Goldberg, author of American Veda: From Emerson and the Beatles to Yoga and Meditation ,How Indian Spirituality Changed the West
“Jack Forem’s groundbreaking book, Transcendental Meditation, inspired thousands of people, including myself, to learn meditation and investigate the scientific basis behind its effectiveness. In this new edition, he brilliantly distills all the latest advancements and hundreds of scientific papers published in leading academic and medical journals. As Maharishi himself said about the original edition, this book ‘offers a clear, comprehensive, and thoughtful presentation of the essence of our teaching,’ and that is certainly true of this new edition as well. I strongly encourage everyone to read this book and to take full advantage of the programs it describes. It is an invaluable resource for all who desire a bright future for themselves and for our world.”
— John Hagelin, Quantum Physicist and Educator President, Global Union of Scientists for Peace Featured in What the Bleep Do We Know!? and The Secret
“A comprehensive, reader-friendly study of the teachings of a great modern master. Jack Forem’s book isn’t just about the TM technique and its massive body of scientific research, but it reveals practical and enlightened approaches to the fields of education, health care, personal relationships, psychology, religion, and business, and a novel and powerful strategy for achieving world peace. Informative and inspiring!”
— James S. Brooks, M.D., co-author of Ayurvedic Secrets to Longevity & Total Health, Medical Director of Mental Health Centers in Chariton and Fairfield, Iowa
“As a rabbi and longtime practitioner of the TM program, I particularly appreciate the new chapter on Religion and Spirituality in Jack Forem’s book. Jack quotes Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s teaching that religions have ‘one common ground: that the light of God is kindled in each heart.’ This is what TM accomplished for me in my life. I never would have desired to become, nor would I have been able to succeed as a rabbi,without the spiritual awareness that the practice of TM awakened in me.”
— Alan Green, Senior Rabbi, Shaarey Zedek Synagogue, Winnipeg, Canada
“Many books have been written about the Transcendental Meditation technique and the array of benefits enjoyed by those who practice it. Jack Forem’s book stands out not only because it is eminently readable and entertaining, but because it is such a clear and comprehensive introduction to TM, the principles behind it, and the research demonstrating its effectiveness. It’s a joy to read and a breath of fresh air.
“In addition to delineating the value of TM for individuals, Forem explains cutting-edge, paradigm-shifting research showing that groups of people practicing TM together have significantly reduced tension and hostility in the environment. He argues persuasively that in TM, we have a technique to benefit the individual and at the same time generate harmony and reduce stress in society as a whole. This is a book to read and take to heart.”
— Gary P. Kaplan M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Neurology, Hofstra University School of Medicine
“Jack Forem’s new book on Transcendental Meditation offers a wealth of research with real-world examples of how TM can increase personal and corporate success and effectiveness. This book offers numerous examples of how this simple technique has had a tremendous effect on people from all walks of life. I know it has helped me, my family, my company, and my clients.”
— Nancy Slomowitz, President & CEO, Executive Management Associates, Inc., author of Work Zone Madness! Surviving and Rising Above Workplace Dysfunction