What to Eat When
By Michael F. Roizen
By Michael F. Roizen
By Michael F. Roizen, Michael Crupain and Ted Spiker
By Michael F. Roizen, Michael Crupain and Ted Spiker
Part of What to Eat When
Part of What to Eat When
Category: Nutrition & Dietary Needs | Cookbooks
Category: Nutrition & Dietary Needs | Cookbooks
Dec 31, 2019 | ISBN 9781426220869
Dec 31, 2018 | ISBN 9781426220111
Dec 31, 2019 | ISBN 9781426220869
Dec 31, 2018 | ISBN 9781426220111
Buy the Hardcover:
“This well-organized, accessible guide to healthful eating by two well-known medical consultants, both affiliated with the Dr. Oz Show, is sure to be widely popular with health-conscious readers.”
–Library Journal
“I’m so excited for this book you guys. With the new year comes this flood of resolutions and some of them are healthier lifestyles (I’m on that train with y’all🙋🏻) and this freaking book is here to help us!!” –Instagram: @thebookishsisters
“The most helpful advice I found was to eat within a 12-hour period each day, which means fasting for 12 hours a day.” –Bookchickdi
“This gem of a book is so great for dipping in and out of for great information.” –Instagram: @wordsandblooms
“Despite the science it was accessible and amusing, with plenty of examples of foods to eat.” –Instagram: @bookmadbarlow
“I enjoyed how the book provided different scenarios so you can cater the plan to your own lifestyle, such as what to eat on a first date, at a stadium, or during the holidays- places where even the healthiest eaters struggle.” –Instagram: @thelastbiteblog
“…great tips on getting the most out of food, like vegetable preparation and freezing. I appreciated “The Sub Shop” segments which acknowledged not-so-healthy traditions but offered better plans…After initially skimming the book, I immediately went to Chapter 35, “What to Eat…When you Don’t Want to Lose Your Mind.” The authors do have a sense of humor, especially in this chapter.” –Eliot’s Eats
“I generally trust National Geographic to get their facts and science right, so that’s a big plus for this informative and fun to read book by two doctors who are associated with The Dr. Oz Show.” –Beth Fish Reads
“Dr. Michael Roizen and Dr. Michael Crupain—the two doctors I always turn to for the latest scientific discoveries—explain that timing really is everything in this insightful, fun, and revolutionary book. What to Eat When shows that when you eat is just as important as what you eat—and reveals the right foods for life’s toughest circumstances.” –Dr. Oz
The writing is hilarious and relatable, and one of the author’s love for salmon only made me crave it more. I gave this book 5 stars because of how informative it is and because it actually helped me look inward and make conscious decisions to change some aspects of my eating habits…As a person who has suffered from chronic migraines for the past eleven years, I am actually eager to start implementing some of the tips this book provided for me. I can’t recommend this book enough! –Instagram: @giuliland
“There are so many ways to eat and so many diets out there, I don’t know if it’s one size fits all and that’s what I love about this book. It offers a scientific approach to eating, written by two doctors who know their stuff.” –Literary Quicksand
“What a lovely refreshing and bright health book!…I think you learn a thing or two by reading this book… It is very scientific but easy to read. It will help you make lifestyle swaps but would also appeal to those seeking help with health issues such as ‘What to eat to improve fertility’ and ‘What to eat when you want to reduce inflammation’. It’s worth a read.” –Instagram: @readingwithwine
“It really does matter what you eat, not just how much. And now, two of my favorite doctors take our collective knowledge a step further by looking at the timing of when you eat your calories: your circadian rhythm dictates a lot more about when you should eat than you probably realize. Through clear-eyed writing and diligent research, Drs. Roizen and Crupain explain why The When Way might just be the best approach to eating.” –Sanjay Gupta
“When we think about eating, we focus—as we should—on the quality and quantity of what we eat. It’s becoming clear that we also need to think about chronology—when we eat. Drs. Roizen and Crupain’s fun and revealing exploration of the biology of timing and eating will help you eat the way your body really wants you to.” –Andrew Weil