The Art of R Programming
By Norman Matloff
By Norman Matloff
By Norman Matloff
By Norman Matloff
Category: Science & Technology
Category: Science & Technology
Oct 11, 2011 | ISBN 9781593273842
Oct 11, 2011 | ISBN 9781593274108
Essential World Atlas
Learning Theory from First Principles
Codename Revolution
Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Collaborative Intelligence
Starlore of the Constellations
Rethinking Diabetes
Too Much Fun
Log-Linear Models, Extensions, and Applications
“If a person really wants to be able to speak the R language and become a competent R programmer then . . . one can find no better guide than Norman Matloff’s The Art of R Programming.”
—Joe Rickert, Revolution Analytics
“The book I’d recommend for someone wanting to learn R, especially for someone with more experience in programming than statistics.”
—John D. Cook, The Endeavor
“Good from cover to cover. Enough depth that the experienced R user will find useful things in the later chapters.”
—John Graham-Cumming
“If you are serious about learning R . . . The Art of R Programming will be beneficial to you.”
—Paolo Sonego, One R Tip a Day
“Makes it look easy for those scientists who need to make numerical models based on statistical analysis. Serious stuff for people who are already R programmers, but it has a lot of value for entry level folks too.”
—Hank Campbell, Science 2.0
“If you need to do statistical work as a programmer I highly recommend buying it.”
—Bryan Bell, Math and More
“An R programming book that starts from the beginning. If you have at least a vague idea of what programming is, you should find The Art of R Programming useful. I’m keeping this one.”
—Nathan Yau, FlowingData
Table Of Contents
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Chapter 2: Vectors
Chapter 3: Matrices and Arrays
Chapter 4: Lists
Chapter 5: Data Frames
Chapter 6: Factors and Tables
Chapter 7: R Programming Structures
Chapter 8: Doing Math and Simulations in R
Chapter 9: Object-Oriented Programming
Chapter 10: Input/Output
Chapter 11: String Manipulation
Chapter 12: Graphics
Chapter 13: Debugging
Chapter 14: Performance Enhancement: Tradeoffs in Time and Space
Chapter 15: Interfacing R to Other Languages
Chapter 16: Parallel R
Appendix A: Installing R
Appendix B: Installing and Using Packages
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