America's Secret War
By George Friedman
By George Friedman
By George Friedman
By George Friedman
Category: World Politics | Domestic Politics | Military History
Category: World Politics | Domestic Politics | Military History
Oct 11, 2005 | ISBN 9780767917858
Oct 05, 2004 | ISBN 9780385514101
Oct 11, 2005 | ISBN 9780767917858
Oct 05, 2004 | ISBN 9780385514101
Acclaim for George Friedman and STRATFOR
“Stratfor was miles ahead of CNN and all the other media…. A private quasi-CIA, Stratfor has enjoyed an increasing vogue in recent years as a result of the heady forecasts and many news breaks…. The web site has a huge underground following, dating back to the 1999 Kosovo War.”
“Stratfor moved the financial markets all by itself when it reported that a Russian envoy was en route to Baghdad to negotiate peace with the Iraqis…. There is a temptation, when you are around George Friedman, to treat him like a Magic 8 Ball.”
–The New York Times Magazine
“Predictions have made George Friedman a hot property these days.”
–The Wall Street Journal
“Stratfor is changing the way we think about news.”
–The American Spectator
“They fill the appetite for international news and analysis that the newsweeklies once filled. But they do it twice as well as the newsweeklies – and in real time.”
–Lee Smith, Senior Editor, GQ
“The Friedmans: better than the CIA.”
–The Industry Standard