By Tetsuko Kuroyanagi
Illustrated by Chihiro Iwasaki
Translated by Dorothy Britton
By Tetsuko Kuroyanagi
Illustrated by Chihiro Iwasaki
Translated by Dorothy Britton
By Tetsuko Kuroyanagi
Illustrated by Chihiro Iwasaki
Translated by Dorothy Britton
By Tetsuko Kuroyanagi
Illustrated by Chihiro Iwasaki
Translated by Dorothy Britton
Category: Biography & Memoir
Category: Biography & Memoir
Mar 23, 2012 | ISBN 9781568363912
Mar 23, 2012 | ISBN 9781568364520
Mar 23, 2012 | ISBN 9781568363912
Mar 23, 2012 | ISBN 9781568364520
“[Totto-chan] is a quiet indictment of sterile education.” —New York Times
“Sensitively written, delicately illustrated, poetically translated, Totto-chan is, like a haiku, filled with aesthetic and philosophical depth.” —Library Journal
“[Totto-chan] has reminded millions of Japanese what children think education should be.” —International Herald Tribune
“Totto-chan can be expected to attract American educators, parents, and perhaps some children who appreciate the international view beyond their own first-floor window.” —Christian Science Monitor