The Good Vices
By Dr. Harry Ofgang and Erik Ofgang
By Dr. Harry Ofgang and Erik Ofgang
By Dr. Harry Ofgang and Erik Ofgang
By Dr. Harry Ofgang and Erik Ofgang
By Dr. Harry Ofgang and Erik Ofgang
Read by Jonathan Todd Ross
By Dr. Harry Ofgang and Erik Ofgang
Read by Jonathan Todd Ross
Category: Nutrition & Dietary Needs | Cookbooks
Category: Nutrition & Dietary Needs | Cookbooks
Category: Nutrition & Dietary Needs | Cookbooks | Audiobooks
Jun 04, 2019 | ISBN 9780143131960
Jun 04, 2019 | ISBN 9780525503750
Jun 04, 2019 | ISBN 9781984891358
273 Minutes
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“The Good Vices emphasizes that having fun and indulging in some of life’s simple pleasures can be consistent with a healthier lifestyle. We always knew that eating ice cream was a lot of fun and are happy to hear it can be a part of healthy living. So enjoy a little ice cream, read this book, and be healthy.”
—Jerry Greenfield, cofounder of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream
“With good humor, the Ofgangs offer insights and scientific evidence against a culture of deprivation, mortification, and unbridled consumerist fads. They restore la dolce vita to a place of prominence—and along the way, show how well-being and genuine care of the self require the right kind of indulgences.”
—Stephen Olbrys Gencarella, PhD, folklorist and associate professor at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst
“I have pioneered ‘flexible dieting’ methods for twenty-five years, and I love seeing a resource like The Good Vices sand the rough edges from rigid diet dogma. The Ofgangs remind us that a healthy lifestyle can be fun!”
—Joe Klemczewski, PhD, coauthor of The Diet Docs’ Guide to Permanent Weight Loss
“The Good Vices is so much fun to read, you may not notice how thoroughly and scientifically researched it is. I have been teaching statistics and research design to graduate students for more than 30 years, so I can attest to the care and objectivity these authors have used in evaluating the relevant empirical evidence.”
—Barry H. Cohen, PhD, former director of New York University’s MA program in psychology
“Absolutely delightful! The basic acts of eating and drinking today can be daunting with all the ‘this is bad for you, this is good for you’ background noise. The Good Vices addresses this confusion and puts to rest any doubt about whether my morning coffee is healthy, showing that the comfort and happiness it brings make it doubly good for me. And this applies to other so-called vices. Through simple-to-understand statistics, history, fun vignettes, and useful tips, the authors explain how to chill out and enjoy life through food and drink, family and fun.”
–Janice Schenker, co-owner of Caffe Kilim
“This lively, informative read makes the case that healthy living and happy living can be one and the same. And you won’t feel so guilty anymore about imbibing in life’s guilty pleasures!”
—Josh Pahigian, author of The Ultimate Baseball Road Trip
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