The Parkinson's Playbook
By Robert Smith
Preface by Stanley Kerstein, M.D.
By Robert Smith
Preface by Stanley Kerstein, M.D.
By Robert Smith
Preface by Stanley Kerstein, M.D.
By Robert Smith
Preface by Stanley Kerstein, M.D.
Sep 26, 2017 | ISBN 9781578267088
Sep 26, 2017 | ISBN 9781578267095
Sep 26, 2017 | ISBN 9781578267088
Sep 26, 2017 | ISBN 9781578267095
“The Parkinson’s Playbook provides key details related to coping with the diagnosis, managing medications and neurological evaluation, and overcoming obstacles to being ‘well’ despite having to live with a chronic disease. Robert highlights how he augments the medical treatments with the holistic focus on maintaining ideal body weight, adjusting diet and nutrition, and keeping physical fit with daily exercise, stretching, balance, and conditioning. He has learned to not only to live with it, but to live well!” —Gregory T. Everson, MD
“The Parkinson’s Playbook is an amazing journal of powerful and useful lessons learned.” —Nan Anderson, Principal, FAIA (Fellow of the American Institute of Architects)
“This book will transform many lives!” —Amanda Johnson, author of True to Intention
“…has the potential to help so many people with Parkinson’s!” —Deborah Lonergan Yatsko, US Department of Health and Human Service Liaison
“If you have a connection to Parkinson’s, you should take a look at this.” —Stephen G. Abel, Colonel, US Army (Retired)
“The Parkinson’s Playbook gives a new meaning to dedication and perseverance.” —Donald Godi, FASLA (Fellow of the American Society of Landscape Architects)
“…thoroughly impressed and convinced this is the direction Parkinson’s treatment should be going.” —Ashley Rhines, Massage Therapist
“…inspirational providing hope, wisdom, and lessons for how to live life whether you have Parkinson’s or not… a must-read!” —Melanie Weller M.S., LCPC (Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor)