May 23, 2016 | ISBN 9781101974360
Praise for Lorrie Moore and Birds of America:
A New York Times Book of the Year
A National Book Critics Circle Award Finalist
Winner of the Salon Book Award
A Village Voice Book of the Year
“Moore peers into America’s loneliest perches, but her delicate touch turns absurdity into a warming vitality.” —The New Yorker
“Remains one of the . . . best volumes of stories that any American has published in recent decades.” —Bookforum
“Written beautifully, flawlessly, carefully, with a trademark gift for the darkly comic and the perfectly observed. . . . Thrilling.” —Esquire
“[W]atching a writer move into full maturity is always exciting. Flappy-winged take-off is fun; but the sight of an artist soaring lifts the heart.” —Julian Barnes, The New York Review of Books