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Real Estate by Lorrie Moore
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Real Estate

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Real Estate by Lorrie Moore
May 23, 2016 | ISBN 9781101974360


Praise for Lorrie Moore and Birds of America:
New York Times Book of the Year 
A National Book Critics Circle Award Finalist
Winner of the Salon Book Award
Village Voice Book of the Year

“Moore peers into America’s loneliest perches, but her delicate touch turns absurdity into a warming vitality.” —The New Yorker 
“Remains one of the . . . best volumes of stories that any American has published in recent decades.” —Bookforum
“Written beautifully, flawlessly, carefully, with a trademark gift for the darkly comic and the perfectly observed. . . . Thrilling.” —Esquire 
“[W]atching a writer move into full maturity is always exciting. Flappy-winged take-off is fun; but the sight of an artist soaring lifts the heart.” —Julian Barnes, The New York Review of Books 

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