The New Life
By Dante Alighieri
Introduction by Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Preface by Michael Palmer
Translated by Dante Gabriel Rossetti
By Dante Alighieri
Introduction by Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Preface by Michael Palmer
Translated by Dante Gabriel Rossetti
By Dante Alighieri
Introduction by Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Preface by Michael Palmer
Translated by Dante Gabriel Rossetti
By Dante Alighieri
Introduction by Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Preface by Michael Palmer
Translated by Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Part of NYRB Poets
Nov 01, 2016 | ISBN 9781681370514
Nov 01, 2016 | ISBN 9781681370521
Nov 01, 2016 | ISBN 9781681370514
Nov 01, 2016 | ISBN 9781681370521
“Rossetti made a remarkable translation of the Vita Nuova, in some places improving (or at least enriching) the original. He was indubitably the man ‘sent,’ or ‘chosen,’ for that particular job.” —Ezra Pound
“[Rossetti’s translation is] the fruit of countless hours of brooding over Italian painting, Italian images, Italian sounds and thoughts.” —John Wain