Who Really Feeds the World?
By Vandana Shiva
By Vandana Shiva
By Vandana Shiva
By Vandana Shiva
Category: World Politics | Science & Technology
Category: World Politics | Science & Technology
Jun 28, 2016 | ISBN 9781623170622
Jun 28, 2016 | ISBN 9781623170639
Finance Aesthetics
Trade Policy Disaster
Airplane Mode
Beyond the Call of Duty
The Empire of Civil Society
Taking Back Control?
Latin America Diaries
Revolution by Fire
The Rest and the West
Praise for Who Really Feeds the World?
”[Shiva] makes many points that refute reflexive anger and demand immediate discussion. [She] brings new urgency to her explanations of the problems caused by monoculture agriculture, anchored by corn and soybeans in America… A book to jump-start conversations about a crucial subject.”—Booklist
Praise for Vandana Shiva
“Her fierce intellect and her disarmingly friendly, accessible manner have made her a valuable advocate for people all over the developing world.”—Ms. magazine
“A rock star in the worldwide battle against genetically modified seeds.”—Bill Moyers
“Shiva is a burst of creative energy, an intellectual power.”—The Progressive
“One of the world’s most prominent radical scientists.”—The Guardian
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