Leadership Is an Art
By Max Depree
By Max Depree
By Max Depree
By Max Depree
Category: Leadership
Category: Leadership
May 18, 2004 | ISBN 9780385512466
Jun 22, 2011 | ISBN 9780307801173
May 18, 2004 | ISBN 9780385512466
Jun 22, 2011 | ISBN 9780307801173
“This is a wonderful book. It captures Max’s spirit—and he’s a truly exceptional person. But it also says more about leadership in clearer, more elegant, and more convincing language than many of the much longer books that have been published on the subject.”—Peter F. Drucker
“His opus is as worthy as scripture.”—New York Times Book Review
“Like the elegant furniture his company makes, De Pree’s book provides a valuable lesson in grace, style, and the elements of success.”—Time
“Leadership Is an Art is one of the best books I have ever read in my life on the subject of leadership and business management philosophy.”—Sam Walton
“Perhaps we should banish all of our management books except Max De Pree’s recent gem, Leadership Is an Art. The successful Herman Miller, Inc., chairman . . . . writes only about trust, grace, spirit, and love . . . . such concerns are the essence of organizations, small or large.”—Inc. magazine