The Newborn Sleep Book
By Lewis Jassey and Jonathan Jassey
By Lewis Jassey and Jonathan Jassey
By Lewis Jassey and Jonathan Jassey
By Lewis Jassey and Jonathan Jassey
Aug 05, 2014 | ISBN 9780399167980
Aug 05, 2014 | ISBN 9780698147942
Aug 05, 2014 | ISBN 9780399167980
Aug 05, 2014 | ISBN 9780698147942
“The Jassey brothers, partners in a Long Island pediatric paractice, have helped thousands of parents successfully sleep-train their newborns by the time they are a month old. The “Jassey Way” is practical, realistic, and based on the undeniable link between eating–specifically digesting–and sleeping.”
–Publishers Weekly
“A common sense method for getting your baby to remain sleeping long after you’ve tucked him or her in.”
–Shaul Turner, FOX News
“Their method has been tested for over twenty years and boasts a 90 percent success rate. After just two weeks on the doctor’s program, baby Peyton was sleeping 7 to 8 hours per night, and so were his relieved parents. Thanks to the Jassey method, many new parents and their babies are enjoying more peaceful nights of sweet, uninterrupted dreams.”
–Vicki Clinebell, Momtastic Parenting