The Lady of the Camellias
By Alexandre Dumas fils
Introduction by Julie Kavanagh
Translated by Liesl Schillinger
By Alexandre Dumas fils
Introduction by Julie Kavanagh
Translated by Liesl Schillinger
By Alexandre Dumas fils
Introduction by Julie Kavanagh
Translated by Liesl Schillinger
By Alexandre Dumas fils
Introduction by Julie Kavanagh
Translated by Liesl Schillinger
Category: Classic Fiction | Literary Fiction | Historical Romance
Category: Classic Fiction | Literary Fiction | Historical Romance
Jun 25, 2013 | ISBN 9780143107026
Jun 25, 2013 | ISBN 9780698136236
Jun 25, 2013 | ISBN 9780143107026
Jun 25, 2013 | ISBN 9780698136236
“One of the greatest love stories of the world.” —Henry James
“Liesl Schillinger’s translation is notable for the fact that it succeeds in dusting off and invigorating the text without slipping into the contemporary idiom. This story, which sounded a little dated in the previous translations, can now be read with an urgency that seems wholly modern.” —The New York Review of Books
“Wonderful . . . A swiftly moving tempest of a tale . . . Schillinger’s deft translation brings new life to this classic tragedy. . . . Sometimes translation muffles or veils a text, but Schillinger’s version seems to strip this one right down to its fundamental urgency.” —Opera News
“Anyone who has read an outdated English translation of this novel; seen the opera it inspired—La Traviata, by Verdi; or watched the film it inspired—Camille, starring Greta Garbo, might have missed the audacity, obstinacy, sensuality, and recklessness of its characters. . . . Marguerite and Armand are the kind of bright, self-destructive young things we still read about in magazines, watch onscreen, or brush up against today.” —Liesl Schillinger, from the Note on the Translation