The Wind Is My Mother
By Bear Heart
By Bear Heart
By Bear Heart
By Bear Heart
Category: Indigenous Peoples' History | Spiritual Nonfiction | Philosophy | Wellness
Category: Indigenous Peoples' History | Spiritual Nonfiction | Philosophy | Wellness
Feb 01, 1998 | ISBN 9780425161609
Feb 01, 1998 | ISBN 9781101640128
Feb 01, 1998 | ISBN 9780425161609
Feb 01, 1998 | ISBN 9781101640128
Praise for The Wind Is My Mother: The Life and Teachings of a Native American Shaman
“This fascinating book is a rare combination of universal truths and practical applications. It is an excellent manual for living a healthy life in a complex world.”—John Gray, author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
“Bear Heart, a full-blooded Muskogee Creek Indian and one of the last ‘trained’ medicine men, shares this knowledge, combining it with his more formal, graduate [studies] in psychology to build a bridge between Native American and modern spirituality.”—Publishers Weekly
“At once mystical and utterly practical, Bear Heart’s message is not a call to conversion, but the testimony of a life so fully lived that it can heal others. To read it is to be inspired to live one’s own life with more attention, harmony and hope.”—Lorene Cary, author of If Sons, Then Heirs: A Novel
“Bear Heart, a Muskogee Creek Indian medicine man, tells his story, including his insights about receiving the power of the Great Spirit through fasting, chanting, and vision quests.”—St. Petersburg Times
“Inspiring…Bear Heart weaves together anecdotes and philosophy demonstrating that traditional Native American wisdom can be applied in today’s world to live a peaceful, balanced life. A charismatic storyteller, Bear Heart’s autobiography is rich not only with the amazing accomplishments and wisdom of his life as a medicine man but also with the ages-old legends of his people.”—Evolving Woman
Table Of Contents
Introduction by Molly Larkin
Book I: Initiation
1. To Walk in Beauty
2. A Well-rounded Education
3. You Don’t Ask to Be a Medicine Man
4. Wrapped Around a Tree
Book II: The Cure Lies Within You
5. Whose Power Is It?
6. Doctoring
7. Another Kind of Healing
8. Walking in Balance
9. Coping with Suffering
Book III: Learning How to Live
10. The Power of Love
11. Talking with the Earth
12. A Different Kind of Church
13. The Peyote Way
14. The Sacred Pipe
15. Becoming a Vessel – The Vision Quest
16. We All Have Something to Offer