Winter in the Blood
By James Welch
Foreword by Joy Harjo
Introduction by Louise Erdrich
By James Welch
Foreword by Joy Harjo
Introduction by Louise Erdrich
By James Welch
Foreword by Joy Harjo
Introduction by Louise Erdrich
By James Welch
Foreword by Joy Harjo
Introduction by Louise Erdrich
Category: Literary Fiction | Classic Fiction | Historical Fiction
Category: Literary Fiction | Classic Fiction | Historical Fiction
Jul 29, 2008 | ISBN 9780143105220
Jul 29, 2008 | ISBN 9780525507345
Jul 29, 2008 | ISBN 9780143105220
Jul 29, 2008 | ISBN 9780525507345
“A nearly flawless novel about human life . . . Few books in any year speak so unanswerably, make their own local terms so thoroughly ours.”
-Reynolds Price, The New York Times Book Review
“For some readers this will be the most significant piece of Indian writing they have yet encountered; for others it will simply be a brilliant novel.”
–The New Republic
“An unnervingly beautiful book.”
-Roger Sale, The New York Review of Books