They Would Never Hurt a Fly
By Slavenka Drakulic
By Slavenka Drakulic
By Slavenka Drakulic
By Slavenka Drakulic
Category: European World History | Politics
Category: European World History | Politics
Jul 26, 2005 | ISBN 9780143035428
Jul 26, 2005 | ISBN 9781440651052
Jul 26, 2005 | ISBN 9780143035428
Jul 26, 2005 | ISBN 9781440651052
Table Of Contents
Introduction: Not a Fairy Tale
1. Why The Hague
2. Justice Is Boring
3. A Suicide Scenario
4. A Quiet Night in October
5. Boys Just Had Fun
6. He Would Never Hurt a Fly
7. “Triumph of Evil”
8. One Day in the Life of Drazen Erdemovic
9. A Beast in a Cage
10. Ribbons and Bows
11. Punished by the Gods
12. The Metamorphosis of Biljana Plavsic
13. Why We Need Monsters
Epilogue: Brotherhood and Unity