By Al Franken
By Al Franken
By Al Franken
By Al Franken
Category: Humor | Domestic Politics
Category: Humor | Domestic Politics
Jul 27, 2004 | ISBN 9780452285217
Jul 27, 2004 | ISBN 9781101219447
Jul 27, 2004 | ISBN 9780452285217
Jul 27, 2004 | ISBN 9781101219447
“Laugh-out-loud funny.”—The Washington Post
“Rings with the moral clarity of an angel’s trumpet… Although Franken is a self-proclaimed liberal, his work differs in that it presents well-substantiated arguments and damning examples of false accusations that conservatives have effectively used against Democrats… sharp analysis and humor.”—Associated Press
“A typically unabashed blend of razor-witted denunciation and old-fashioned gumshoe detective work directed at right-wing crazies both in and out of government… [An] exquisitely irritating new book.”—The Independent (London)
“[A] heady mixture of scathing humor and righteous indignation.”—The Onion
“In the kicking, spitting spirit of current all-star political discourse, Al Franken gives as good as he gets.”—Janet Maslin, The New York Times
Praise for Oh, the Things I Know!
“With a nod to Dr. Seuss and his popular tome for graduates of all ages, Franken offers his own advice guide, which covers pretty much anything anyone wants to understand about life… This laugh-aloud take on advice books—it is dedicated simply ‘For Oprah’—is Stuart Smiley with an edge.”—Ilene Cooper, Booklist
“Easy-to-follow guide to success and, failing that, happiness.”—USA Today
Praise for The Truth (with jokes)
“Devastating… The Truth keeps its promise to be funny about extremely unfunny matters. It matches Lies in wit, and its subjects are tougher. The gags have bite. . . . And it is effectively leavened with bits of dialogue, many of them all too real.”—The New York Times
“Subtle, laugh-or-cry-out-loud and ultimately devastating . . . The Truth (with jokes) is guaranteed to rile the right again with its forensic lasering of Republican skullduggery and media mendacity, laced with sharp humor. . . . [Franken] is the voice the American left has been waiting for.”—The Guardian (London)
Table Of Contents
A Note from the Author xiIntroduction xv1 Hummus 12 Ann Coulter: Nutcase 53 You Know Who I Don’t Like? Ann Coulter 174 Liberals Who Hate America 215 Loving America the Al Franken Way 246 I Bitch-Slap Bernie Goldberg 287 The 2000 Presidential Election: How It Disproved the Hypothetical Liberal Media Paradigm Matrix 378 Conclusion: A Lesson Learned 519 Five Get-Rich-Quick Tips the Wall Street Fat Cats Don’t Want You to Know 5210 Chapter for American Book by Kharap Juta 5611 I’m Funnier than Kharap Juta 5712 The Chapter on Fox 5813 Bill O’Reilly: Lying, Splotchy Bully 6514 Hannity and Comes 8315 The Blame-America’s Ex-President-First Crowd 10416 Operation Ignore 11517 Our National Dialogue on Terrorism 12318 Humor in Uniform 12419 Who Created the Tone? 13220 Did the tone Change? 14221 Why Did Anyone Think It Would Change? 143 22 I Grow Discouraged About the Tone 15223 I’m Prudenized 16524 Paul Gigot Is Unable to Defend an Incredibly Stupid Wall Street Journal Editorial 17025 “This Was Not a Memorial to Paul Wellstone”: A Case Study in Right-Wing Lies 17726 I Attend the White House Correspondents Dinner and Annoy Karl Rove, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, and the Entire Fox News Team 20627 The Lying Years 21728 Bush Can’t Lose With Clinton’s Military 22029 Operation Chickenhawk: Episode One 22630 Fun with Racism 25231 I’m a Bad Liar 26132 Thank God for Jerry Falwell 27733 Abstinence Heroes 28334 Abstinence Heroes II 28735 “By Far the Vast Majority of My Tax Cuts Go to Those at the Bottom” 28836 The Waitress and the Lawyer: A One-Act Play 30437 The Gospel of Supply Side Jesus 31338 I Challenge Rich Lowry to a Fight 32439 Vast Lagoons of Pig Feces: The Bush Environmental Record 32840 I Meet Former First Lady Barbara Bush and It Doesn’t Go Well! 33641 My Personal Search for Weapons of Mass Destruction 34242 The No Child Left Behind Standardized Test 34943 What is a Lie? 352 Sources and Notes 355 Meet TeamFranken 369 Acknowledgments 373 Endnotes 379