Adding Insult to Injury
By Nancy Fraser
Edited by Kevin Olson
Contributions by Elizabeth Anderson, Judith Butler and Leonard Feldman
By Nancy Fraser
Edited by Kevin Olson
Contributions by Elizabeth Anderson, Judith Butler and Leonard Feldman
Category: Politics
Nov 17, 2008 | ISBN 9781859842232
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“Even those of us who disagree with Nancy Fraser on substantive questions recognize her ability to illuminate the conflicting demands, hopes and sufferings of our time. With the capacity to learn by dialogue, an analytically sharp mind and a stunning synthetic ability, she is among the very few thinkers in the tradition of critical theory who are capable of redeeming its legacy in the twenty-first century.”—Axel Honneth
“For more than a decade, Nancy Fraser’s thought has helped to reframe the agenda of critical theory. Today, when hopes flicker and shine against the background of pervasive repression, Adding Insult to Injury provides a singular stimulation.”—Etienne Balibar