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In with the Old by Jennifer Boles
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In with the Old

Best Seller
In with the Old by Jennifer Boles
Oct 22, 2013 | ISBN 9780385345170


“In the world of blogging only a few voices have risen to the top—all rooted in real passion or obsession. The Peak of Chic’s Jennifer Boles brings it all to In with the Old. Her inquiring eye unearths wonderful treasures of interior design and entertaining from the past. But it’s her insight and perspective that makes it all suddenly modern and so now.”
–Newell Turner, Editorial Director, Hearst Design Group

“Jennifer Boles has a keen eye for the details that make a room feel considered and chic.  Her charming new book catalogs lessons learned from the Greats and they’re all here, wrapped nice and tidy for your viewing pleasure. This volume is essential for anyone who enjoys decorating history and l’art de vivre.”
–Miles Redd, designer and author of The Big Book of Chic

“Everything stylish from A to Z. Anything you need to know about chic interiors.”
–Michael S. Smith, designer and author of Building Beauty: The Alchemy of Design

“Jennifer Boles’ blog “Peak of Chic” is a constant source of design history and style which I never miss and her new book “In With the Old” is the dictionary for the vocabulary of beloved design details that have been used throughout the years. A wonderful educational read.”
–Bunny Williams, designer and author of Bunny Williams’ Scrapbook for Living
“In with the Old is a visual encyclopedia with a wealth of information about how we lived in style in the past. Jennifer Boles is the Miss Manners of interior decorating and has compiled everything au courant before 1970. An essential work for interior design students, this history of design is fun to look at and to read.”—Mario Buatta, aka “The Prince of Chintz” and author of Mario Buatta: Fifty Years of American Interior Decoration.

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