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The Israeli Solution by Caroline Glick
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The Israeli Solution

Best Seller
The Israeli Solution by Caroline Glick
Mar 04, 2014 | ISBN 9780385348072


“Even those who blanch at the thought of Israel annexing the West Bank can learn from the points Glick makes…Glick has brought out her book at an amazing moment, sketching what many will see as a better route toward peace and in the nick of time.” -New York Post

“Devotees of the two-state solution will surely dismiss Caroline Glick’s The Israeli Solution out of hand. They shouldn’t. Whether or not one agrees with Glick’s conclusions, it’s hard to dispute her premise: The two-state solution has failed repeatedly for more than 80 years, starting with serial British partition plans in the 1930s. Each time, it has foundered on the same obstacle: Arab rejection of the Jewish state’s right to exist within any borders. And there’s no reason to think this will change anytime soon. So anyone who truly considers the status quo unsustainable needs to explore alternative solutions.”Commentary

“If you read only one book about the Middle East this year, it should be Caroline Glick’s. Whether or not you agree with her conclusions, she illuminates the contorted landscape by pointing to an audacious solution. It is only by considering alternative actions that we understand our present circumstances, and Ms Glick concentrates the mind wonderfully.” -Asia Times

“A radical proposal advanced in time’s nick for those who doubt the framework Secretary of State Kerry is seeking for talks about a two-state solution. [Glick] lays the arguments out beautifully, and her plan deserves attention on Capitol Hill.” -New York Sun

“The most comprehensive and articulate defense of what the Israeli position is that I have ever seen.” -Pat Robertson, The 700 Club

“A radical break with current thinking that has a chance to completely change the conversation for the betterment of Israel and America…Glick proposes that given an enemy that has been dedicated to nothing less than the annihilation of Israel, in order to defend its borders and continue to flourish, Israel must claim its sovereignty over Judea and Samaria and grant all Palestinians, subject to Israeli law, with permanent residency and the ability to apply for full citizenship…Every person who cares about the fate of the West, regardless of political orientation, will gain something from reading Glick’s lucid, thoroughly researched and thought-provoking book.” -The Blaze

“The Israeli Solution will bring the one-state alternative out of the margins and into the mainstream policy debate.” -Breitbart 

“A bold, dramatic proposal, cleanly crafted and effectively argued…Given Caroline Glick’s background,  she is expertly placed to provide insight into why the two-state concept may have been flawed from its birth.” -The Jerusalem Post

“Cuts through all the relativistic baloney regarding the Palestinian controversy and provides a comprehensive explanation for why it is vital for supporters of Israel not go wobbly now. If there is a single new book that can help the public make sense of the Mideast crisis, this is it…Caroline Glick makes a convincing case that the only way to move toward peace in the Middle East is through the one-state plan” -The American Spectator

The Israeli Solution is a realistic solution because it does not promise to create a new Middle East, assure us that terrorists will become statesmen or breezily offer an end to a hatred that has existed for over a thousand years…Instead she offers the real solution of managing the conflict by taking responsibility for the territory and people instead of abandoning it and them to Arafat or Abbas and hoping that the magic doves of peace will do the rest…Advocates something that has never been tried before throughout this conflict; integration instead of segregation and unity instead of partition.” Frontpage 


“If you want to understand the Middle East, read this book. If you want to know how our corrupt elites in Washington bungled American policy in the most incendiary region in the world, read this book. The Israeli Solution exposes all the lies we’ve been spoon fed for a generation and presents an alternative policy for the United States to follow in the Middle East that is clear headed, rational, legal, and moral. The Israeli Solution is simple and just. This is a must read.” -Mark Levin, bestselling author of Liberty and Tyranny and The Liberty Amendments
“With skill and boldness, Caroline Glick cuts through the fog of diplomacy surrounding what Israel should do with the West Bank.  Her analysis and strategy will cause headaches and palpitations in foreign ministries around the world wedded to the failed ‘two-state solution.’  It will be a character-building experience for them.” –John Bolton, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
“A must-read for anyone interested in understanding the century-old violent conflict between the Jews and Arabs in the Middle East.  Filled with facts, many of them little known and less remembered, it rejects the standard “two-state” paradigm; instead, it proposes a radically new idea based on Jewish rights to the land, combined with full citizenship for the Arab minority. Whether or not one agrees with her conclusions, one can only admire the carefully crafted and compelling logic, based on a thorough knowledge of the facts and a deep understanding of history.” –Professor Robert Aumann, Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, 2005
“Before committing the United States and Israel to yet another generation of futile Middle East peacemaking, everyone interested in bringing genuine and lasting peace to that troubled region owes it to themselves to read and consider Caroline Glick’s passionate, well written and well researched case for The Israeli Solution.” –Mike Pence, Governor of Indiana  

“Written by one of the premier thought leaders and policy visionaries on the Middle East , The Israeli Solution is a timely, pragmatic and forthright analysis of the failures of the two-state strategy since World War I. But Glick doesn’t stop with analyzing the problem. She provides a solution that is bold, just, and strategically sound, and she says what needs to be said: Israel is the solution, not the problem. Essential reading for us all.” – Allen B. West, former U.S. Representative, Lieutenant Colonel (Ret)

“The ‘two-state solution,’ one which American foreign and counterterrorism policy has been based for over two decades, is a tragic farce. As the intrepid Caroline Glick powerfully shows, it has weakened the United States while rendering Israel ever more vulnerable. In place of its continuing and inevitable failure, Glick offers real democracy promotion: a one-state solution that empowers Palestinians with what their corrupt leadership will forever deny: true civil rights.” –Andrew C. McCarthy, bestselling author of Spring Fever, The Grand Jihad, and Willful Blindness

 “Glick undercuts deeply flawed demographics and easy clichés with facts, reason, and a vision for the future of Arab-Israeli relations. With this provocative and necessary book, Glick has put the foreign policy consensus on alert, for the writing is on the wall—the answer is The Israeli Solution.” –Lee Smith, senior editor, The Weekly Standard

The Israeli Solution is all about facing reality squarely. It is written seriously and deserves to be taken seriously.” –Angelo Codevilla, professor of international relations, Boston University

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