Apr 02, 2013 | ISBN 9781611800159
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“Karen Benke gives young writers permission to explore the illogical, the heartspace, the wilderness of the imagination. Unlike other books, she offers guidance in centering and being kind to yourself—prerequisites to freeing your voice. The clear, compelling writing adventures she presents gently pull down any guard, any walls you might have in order to release the unexpected within.”—Betsy Franco, author of Falling Hard: 100 Love Poems by Teenagers
“Writing is always work, but it is also play—something most of us forget as we grow up. In this most engaging guide Karen Benke reconnects us with the mind at play: imagining and observing, listening and remembering. She nods to our hesitations and then encourages us to leap write in! With her lively and gentle invitations we find our stories and poems are everywhere—in hair and bones, backward poems and imaginary paintings.”—J. Ruth Gendler, author of The Book of Qualities