Mar 25, 2014 | ISBN 9780307361370
“A special book that gives an underappreciated time and place in baseball its due.”
—Tim Raines
“In Up, Up & Away, Jonah Keri has produced a book that is one part history, one part local legend, one part eulogy, and one part letter to a lost love. The Montreal Expos deserved a book, and they deserved this book.”
—Bruce Arthur, national sports columnist, National Post
“Long gone but it seems like only yesterday. A certain charm attaches to bygone ballparks and ball clubs: Ebbets Field, the St. Louis Browns, the Seattle Pilots—supply your own favorite ghost. But for me, the franchise with the most romance about it is the Montreal Expos. Jonah Keri pays tribute, tells tales, spills beans, and wakes the echoes in this glorious grand chelem of a book.”
—John Thorn, Official Historian, Major League Baseball