Snakes in Question, Second Edition
By George R. Zug and Carl H. Ernst
Photographs by Richard D. Bartlett and Patricia Bartlett
By George R. Zug and Carl H. Ernst
Photographs by Richard D. Bartlett and Patricia Bartlett
Mar 10, 2015 | ISBN 9781588345158 | Young Adult
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“This is a wonderful book. Carl Ernst and George Zug are eminent herpetologists who have produced a well-written book on an extremely popular subject . . . . Two of the sections will be eagerly used by librarians answering questions—that on giant snakes (boas and pythons) and that on poisonous snakes (vipers and cobras). The appendixes offer further information on the classification and sizes of snakes and provide a useful directory of herpetological organizations. A glossary defines some of the more technical terminology. Finally, two bibliographies provide a comprehensive overview of the scientific literature on snakes. This exceptional book should be in every library.”—Booklist
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