By Gail Dines
By Gail Dines
By Gail Dines
By Gail Dines
Category: Nonfiction
Category: Nonfiction
Apr 26, 2011 | ISBN 9780807001547
Aug 06, 2010 | ISBN 9780807044537
Apr 26, 2011 | ISBN 9780807001547
Aug 06, 2010 | ISBN 9780807044537
“Pornland . . . will now be the starting point for serious discussions about how porn shapes and distorts social and sexual norms. Dines understands both the economics and cultural power of the pornography industry perhaps better than anyone ever has.”—Jackson Katz, author of The Macho Paradox: Why Some Men Hurt Women and How All Men Can Help
“[A] thoughtful analysis of pornography’s infiltration into the American economy, its detrimental effects on the sexual and emotional health of women and men, and its ability to perpetuate both sexism and racism.”—Veronica Arellano, Library Journal
“Dines brilliantly exposes porn’s economics, pervasiveness, and impact with scholarship as impeccable as her tone is reasonable. This book will change your life. Ignore it at your peril.”—Robin Morgan
“An eyes-wide-open look at the way the porn industry exploits and damages the gift of our sexuality to fuel itself.”—Wendy Maltz, coauthor of The Porn Trap: The Essential Guide to Overcoming Problems Caused by Pornography
“Bravo to Gail Dines! She exposes a huge problem of our time that few people are willing to confront. Dines follows the extensive money trail, uncovering the role of corporate duplicity and greed while showing how steadily pornography has infiltrated into everyday life from almost cradle to grave.”—Diane Levin, coauthor of So Sexy, So Soon
Table Of Contents
Introduction Porn and the Industrialization of Sex xv
One Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler: Paving the Way for Today’s Porn Industry
Two Pop Goes the Porn Culture: Mainstreaming Porn
Three From the Backstreet to Wall Street: The Big Business of Porn
Four Grooming for Gonzo: Becoming a Man in a Porn Culture
Five Leaky Images: How Porn Seeps into Men’s Lives
Six Visible or Invisible: Growing Up Female in a Porn Culture
Seven Racy Sex, Sexy Racism: Porn from the Dark Side
Eight Children: The Final Taboo
Conclusion Fighting Back