Jan 25, 2011 | ISBN 9780807001318
Feb 01, 2010 | ISBN 9780807069110
Jan 25, 2011 | ISBN 9780807001318
Feb 01, 2010 | ISBN 9780807069110
“Sonia Sanchez is a lion in literature’s forest. When she writes she roars, and when she sleeps other creatures walk gingerly.”
—Maya Angelou
“Only a poet with an innocent heart can exorcise so much pain with so much beauty.”
—Isabel Allende
“Sonia Sanchez is one of Philadelphia’s most celebrated poets and public figures. . . . She played an important role in the civil-rights and Black Arts movements and has read her poetry all over the world. That poetry is full of history, music, and song.”
—John Timpane, Philadelphia Inquirer
“Sanchez is at her finest in Morning Haiku. . . . Through the collection, Sanchez gives thanks, praise and meditation to black artists.”
—Tara Murtha, Philadelphia Weekly
“The poetry of Sonia Sanchez is full of power and yet always clean and uncluttered. It makes you wish you had thought those thoughts, felt those emotions, and, above all, expressed them so effortlessly and so well.”
—Chinua Achebe
“Her songs of destruction and loss scrape the heart; her praise songs thunder and revitalize. We need these songs for our journey together into the next century.”
—Joy Harjo
“Sonia Sanchez’s poetry is a must for all readers. Period.”
“Sanchez’s haiku is as simple and clear as breathing, but with everything that brings energy and vivacity to being alive.”
—Rain Taxi Review of Books